
“Youkeeplookingat your phone. Are you expecting a call?”

I tucked my phone back into the pocket of my sweater. Howard sat beside me on the living room couch. I hadn’t been checking my phone for a call but the time. I should have been out of the house already, but he was taking his time with his drink tonight when all I wanted was for him to fall unconscious on the couch so I could take care of my business before returning home with him none the wiser.

I didn’t drug him every time I went out, which had been every night for the past five days since I accepted his invitation to stay with him. I loved to hit a club or bar, but to go out every single night might be a tad suspicious, so I’d slipped a mild sedative in the can of Coke he religiously drank whenever he was watching television.

“Yeah, I’m looking for an apartment. I was supposed to get a call today, but none came in.”

“Isn’t it too late to call, though?”

I shrugged. “I’m desperate. I can’t live off your hospitality forever.”

I held my breath as he picked up the can of Coke. This time he drained it, his Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallowed. Howard was an okay guy, who I’d taken a chance on when he offered to put me up for the night. I had been too exhausted and devastated that day to say no. His act of kindness won me over, and now I might actually have a friend. I hadn’t had one since Harlan had died.

It was nice to have a friend. Although my lies were necessary, I tried not to do anything that would harm Howard. Not after how kind he’d been to me. Sometimes he watched me a little too much, and I knew he was attracted to me. I appreciated him not making a move on me, though, and I hoped like hell one day he would find someone deserving of his kindness.

“I got something on my face?” he asked. “You’re staring.”

I shook my head and sank back against the cushions of the couch. “Nope. Let’s go back to watching this movie.”

A little over half an hour later, he’d fallen asleep. I bounded up the stairs to get a blanket, placed him in a reclining position, and pulled the cover up to his chin. The least I could do was make sure he was comfortable. I turned the volume of the television down low, then swiped the empty can on the table. I never left any evidence behind.

In the guest bedroom, I changed into a black pair of jeans and a hoodie. I wore the same outfit every night, so I didn’t have to worry about getting evidence on all my clothes. After the fire, I went shopping. I had raided the women’s department for skirts and dresses that would help me feel feminine until I could buy a new sewing machine and fabric.

I took Howard’s car, which he’d offered me to use since mine got destroyed in the fire. After five days, I knew the route by heart. I mapped out the different areas I could take to Judd’s house and how much time it took me from the apartment. This was the shortest route. I arrived at his house in fifteen minutes and waited in the car across the street, watching to see if anyone was home. There shouldn’t be. I didn’t want to run into his son, though I noticed the boy was infrequently home.

Satisfied the house looked empty, I pulled my beanie over my hair. It was actually a beanie and a mask in one. I could easily pull it over my face to conceal my features, which I’d done every time I scoped out the house. I cut across the street and into the neighbor’s yard, climbed their trellis, and over into Judd’s. At the back of his house was a window that didn’t close properly. Normally, I would pick the door, but I mapped out my path and practiced entering and leaving undetected.

I removed the glass pane, slipped inside, then settled it back in. The window of Judd’s room could serve as another entry point. He never closed it, perhaps because it was high off the ground, but it was conveniently next to a tree.

Once inside the house, I moved silently, checking out that everything was still the same as I found it last night. I climbed the stairs, listening for any sound, but there was none. I was completely alone. I went through all the rooms upstairs, saving Judd’s for last.

Rumpled bed sheets trailed to the floor. Judd was a slob. He never made the bed. Two pillows were on the floor, and condom wrappers lay scattered on the nightstand. The same condom wrappers he left there from the night before while he was fucking a woman he brought home with him. I slipped my gloves on and opened the top drawer. I pawed through them, checking he hadn’t hidden any weapons.

Next, I walked into his private bathroom and riffled through his trash. I took pictures of a couple of empty pill bottles. Later, I would check out what they were used for. The information might come in handy. I then turned to the cast-iron bathtub. It was the only thing beautiful in this house and perfect for what I had in store for Judd.

I walked back into the bedroom. The handle of the doorknob turned. Shit. No way was I getting out through the window in time.

“Jonas, you sure we can’t do this in your bedroom?” a young, feminine voice asked. I made a beeline for the closet and pulled the door closed. Through the slats, I watched the girl enter with Judd’s son behind her.

“His bed is bigger.” He placed his hands on the girl’s neck and kissed her several times. She melted against him, giggling when he hoisted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist.

I closed my eyes and swallowed a groan. I didn’t want to hurt these two. They were just like me: young, dumb, and in love. There was nothing to do but wait it out and hope they were too horny to last long.

What I hadn’t counted on was Judd’s son being a generous lover. He had his girlfriend's legs around his neck while his face was buried between her thighs when the bedroom door flung open, and in stormed Judd.

Shit. Shit.

I slipped out one of my knives. This wasn’t how I meant for it to happen, but if I needed to improvise, I would.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing in my bed, boy?” Judd’s nasty voice boomed in the room.

Jonas jerked back, his girlfriend screaming and scrambling to fix her clothes.

“Mr. O’Connor, we’re so sorry,” she said.

“You fucking your dumb bitches in my bed?” Judd asked.