“You joining us?” Jackson asked me when I walked in. They had an extra place set at the table. God, I was an asshole for turning down their hospitality. They’d offered up their home to me when they didn’t have to.

“I don’t feel like eating,” I replied honestly. “I need to buy a few things. Toothbrush, underwear, deodorant.” Cigarettes, which I hadn’t touched in years.

“All right. We’ll leave you a plate in case you get hungry and change your mind later.”

I started to say thanks, then simply nodded. I checked my watch. Almost time for the local news. “I’ll be back soon. Got to catch the eight-o’clock news.”

“Same, but I can always record it if you’re not back, so take your time.”

I took the long route to the mall, slowing down as I drove past the remains of my house. Yeah, I was a glutton for punishment. Just like that, everything was gone. When the police officers had questioned me whether I knew of anyone who would deliberately set the place afire, I lied that I had no idea. As much as I wanted to mention Judd, I didn’t have any evidence, and if Ari already had the man killed, I didn’t want the crime to be linked back to us.

First, I needed to know what was going on with Ari and what he had planned.

After picking up what I needed from the store, I used the self-checkout, bagged my items, and left. At my car, I lit a cigarette and jammed it between my lips. I inhaled deeply. Goddamn, I needed that.

My eyes closed, I sucked the smoke into my lungs, then blew it out.

“What a surprise seeing you playing with fire after everything, Shaw.”

My eyes flew open, and my entire body went stiff. There stood Judd, with his thumbs hooked into the loops at the front of his jeans.

“One fire not enough for you?” He laughed.

I removed the cigarette from my lips. “I know it was you, you bastard. Think you’re going to get away with this?”

He gave a mock shudder, then parted his jacket for me to see the gun tucked into his waistband. “You think I’m scared of that boy you have running around town doing your dirty work for you?” He rubbed the bandage on his arm. “If he so much as comes near me again, I’ll enjoy hearing him scream.”

“You touch him, Judd, you’ll regret it.” I launched myself at him, but he blocked me with his other arm. I hated that my weight was such a disadvantage when I was up against him.

“I can’t promise you that, Shaw. Your boy’s got spunk, and it intrigues me. I’m hoping I’ll run into your doll again. Give him my best regards.”

He marched toward the entrance of the store and disappeared inside. Unless I followed him and caused a scene, which would amount to nothing, there was little I could do about it.

I flicked the cigarette on the ground and crushed it under my feet. That asshole ruined even that guilty pleasure. I unloaded the goods into the trunk, slammed the lid shut, and wheeled the cart to the collection spot outside, then stomped back to my car. I started the ignition and checked the rearview mirror. A blond head popped into view.

“Daddy, it’s me.”

My heart stopped, then ratcheted up to a thrumming beat. “Ari?” I switched on the overhead light. Was it really him? I turned in my seat and held out my hand. With a cry, he clambered over the seat and hugged me.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he said, sniffling.

“No, baby, it’s my fault.” I kissed his face over and over. “I shouldn’t have blamed you for what Judd did. I was way out of line and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

I took his face between my hands and kissed him, shoving Judd’s threat to the back of my mind. “What are you doing here? Where are you staying? I’m with friends, but we can get a motel somewhere until we figure this out.”

He stretched forward to kiss me again. “I hated that you were so mad at me. You’ve never been that angry with me before.”

“It was wrong of me to be. Will you forgive me?”

He pulled back a little. “I always will.”

I groaned. He so easily gave everything of himself to me. I didn’t deserve him.

“How did you know to find me here?”

“I followed Judd,” he said.

“And how’d you get into my car? I locked the door.”