“I’ve never been forced to wear diapers as punishment before,” he replied. “I like it, Daddy.”

“If you throw a tantrum like a two-year-old, you’re wearing a diaper.” I got the hang of this Daddy business he liked so much. “When you need changing, you tell Daddy, okay?”

He nodded, then picked up his pacifier and put it in his mouth. He looked completely at bliss as he lay back on the bed with his legs falling apart as I ripped off the towel. I didn’t cover his nakedness right away. Our eyes met and held.

I cupped his genitals and stroked his soft cock. He thrust his hips up into my touch, but I chuckled and let him go.

“Strike what I said about being Daddy's little angel. You're really Daddy’s bad apple, aren’t you?”

He shook his head, but I wouldn’t be so easily fooled this time. Maybe he hadn't always been this way. Maybe the years he’d been away from under my watchful eye had shaped him into the person he was today, but whatever the reason, we could put the past behind us. He could be the good boy I always knew, and he wouldn’t have to do what he did in the past to survive.

“I think the correct answer is yes,” I told him and leaned forward. “But Daddy wants to take a bite out of you just the same.” I bit his tummy playfully, and he squealed and giggled. By god, it was the sweetest sound I ever heard. I wanted to catch it and bottle it up to carry with me everywhere I went.

I’d forgotten to bring his clothes with me, but I didn’t bother to return to his room. I took one of my shirts out of my closet. Ari was jumping all over the bed. I stifled my smile.

“You have five seconds to put this on or no playtime,” I said.

He dropped onto his ass on the bed. I pulled the shirt over his head and guided his arms into the holes, then smoothed the shirt down his body. It almost came down to his knees. Ari spat out the pacifier and stuck his thumb into his mouth while grabbing the end of the shirt. He rubbed the material between his thumb and forefinger, giving me a peek of his diaper.

“I’m going to put you on the sofa to watch some cartoons for a little while. In the meantime, I’ll clean up your room. Is that okay?”

He nodded and held out his arms to me. Of course I lifted him. He placed his head on my shoulder and wrapped his legs around my waist. He was the perfect picture of calm as we descended the stairs. I was only happy to get his mind off his ill intent toward Judd.

Nothing good could come out of that confrontation.