
Ican’tdothis. I can’t do this.

The thoughts reverberated in my head, even as I pointed my cock at Ari and splashed him with a stream of pee. It hit him in the chest, soaking his shirt with the rich ammonia that permeated the air, mingling with the scent of his own piss and forming one. I watched in fascinated horror as this boy challenged everything I knew about myself. The sadistic smile on his face, the way he arched into the stream, and as it dwindled, how he moved forward to catch every bit he could.

It was dirty, and it was sick. It was fascinating and arousing. I’d defiled him just like he’d walked into my life and defiled me. Now we were one and the same. I’d become what he wanted me to be, and it was terrifying and the most exhilarating I’d ever felt in my life.

It was freeing not to hold back.

Ari opened his eyes, and his smile grew. He unzipped his pants and took out his dick. His knees skidding on the floor from our piss, he waded in it like it was a cleansing stream and stopped before me, his hand on his cock, stroking and pumping. That boy who I’d thought needed protection from the big bad world captured my dick with those sinful lips. And then he moaned, eyes still holding mine, as he lapped up what dripped of my pee and sucked my cock deep into his mouth.

He didn’t stop staring at me, even when he gagged. Just sucked my cock down his throat, his nostrils flaring. I was horrified at my arousal. He was rank and needed a bath. We were in a puddle of our own pee, yet it didn’t seem to bother him. In fact, it was the opposite.

Had he done this before? Had he let some man pee all over him?

I let out a gasp as his tongue swirled over the soft glans of my cock, his eyelashes fluttering as he groaned. He was coming so hard his body twitched, eyes rolling back in his head.

“Fuck, Ari!” I wanted to apologize for humiliating him this way. Having him suck my dick while he was kneeling in my piss. He was made to be loved and cherished, to be pampered and treasured like a jewel. But each time I tried to treat him this way, he pushed and pushed until he broke something inside me and made me into someone new.

Ari gasped, his body shaking from his climax. My cock slipped out, and I grabbed it at the base and stroked my turgid flesh. I pumped hard, bracing my legs, groaning as cum spurted into his face. His tongue came out, his mouth opening wider. I tugged down on my flesh, squeezing and pumping every last bit I could onto him.

I stumbled back, my cock still clutched in my hand. He was a mess, cum splashed onto his cheek and in his hair. His release stained the floor. He’d wanted this, right? We’d never discussed if it was okay. Guilt washed over me. I would never have thought to discuss this, though. I didn't go around peeing on people. It had all been a spur-of-the-moment decision. A result of him antagonizing me about Nathan he knew damn well I didn’t want anywhere near him. The rest, him peeing his pants, me peeing on him in return. I hadn’t wanted this. Hadn’t planned this.

“I wanted it,” he whispered as if he could read my mind. “I love you treating me this way when I'm naughty.”

And as if to prove his point, this beautiful, sweet, dangerous contradictory boy who evoked feelings inside me no one else ever had fell backward on the floor in the mess we’d made. He giggled, fanning out both his arms and legs as if making snow angels, with his dick soft hanging out of his pants.

“Stop that.” I meant to say the words gruffly, still pissed off at him for using Nathan to get to me. But if I were honest, I was more upset with myself for letting it get to me, even though I’d known what he’d been doing. “You’re dirty and filthy. You need to be cleaned up.”

“Better dirty on the outside than in.”

Would I ever understand this boy? I plucked him off the floor, and he cried out a protest at first, then curled up into me, wrapping his legs around my waist and getting me all dirty as well. Like he hadn’t already placed his sullied handprints all over me. I took him to my bedroom and through to the bathroom, where I stripped him while he just stood there, not lifting a finger to help me.

“I’ll burn these.” I wrinkled my nose at the ruined clothes.

“No, I want them.”

He stood before me, naked, shivering, arms wrapped around his body. I wanted to go to him and cuddle him, but I had to clean up the mess we’d made.

“What do you want with these?” I asked. “I’ll buy you new clothes if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I don’t need you to buy me new clothes. I want these.”

“Why on earth would you want these? They are filthy.”

“Because they are our filth, so please don’t throw them away, Daddy.”

Earlier he’d egged me on, but now the need flickered in his eyes. For some reason, these clothes meant something to him. He wanted to hold on to them while I just wanted to dump them so I didn’t have to think about what I’d just done to him.

“Please, Daddy.”

I sighed. “Can I at least wash them first?”

He nodded. I found a bag under the sink and shoved the clothes in. I’d wash them later, but first I needed to take care of Ari.

I prepared the bath and undressed as well.

“Wait,” Ari said. “Can I get some toys to play with in the bath?”