“You need to get out of my house.” A pounding pain started in my head. And what the fuck was he doing, eyeing what was mine?

“I’d listen to him if I were you,” Ari said softly.

Whether it was the quiet of Ari’s voice or my direct order, I didn’t know, but Judd took a step back.

“You fix this, Shaw,” he spat out. “Or else.” He turned but stopped and glanced back at Ari with a look I wanted to slap from his face. “And I’d keep that boy close to you from now on. It’s not safe for something that pretty to be left out alone.”

Anger thrummed through my veins. “You fucking touch him, Judd, and you’ll regret it.”

“It’s not a matter of if, Shaw. It’s a matter of when.”

He slammed the door shut. Only then did Ari move, his face unreadable.

“I’m going to follow him,” he said, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me.

“No, you won’t.”

“He hurt you.”

“You think I’ve never been hit before?”

“Not when I’m around, you haven’t.” He touched my nose gently, and when he spoke, his voice was matter-of-fact. “I’m going to kill him, Shaw. I swear I’m gonna.”

I tightened my hand around his arm. “No, listen to me. It’s not worth it. I don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m careful. No one will know.”

“I said no, Ari, and that’s final.” I gathered him to my chest. He was stiff as a board. “Come on, let it go. I don’t want you anywhere near that asshole. He’ll hurt you.”

“Not if I hurt him first.”

I growled in frustration and released him, only to shake him. “You will not go after Judd.”

“Judd what? What’s his last name.”


“Fine, don’t tell me. I’ll find out on my own. Let’s get your nose cleaned up.”

I captured the hand he placed on the side of my face, pleading with him to see how scared I was for him. For us.

“Promise me, Ari. Promise me you won’t go after him.”

He frowned. “He hurt you. Why wouldn’t you want me to go after him? Why protect him? He doesn’t deserve it.”

“I’m not protecting him. I’m trying to protect you. I can’t lose you.”

He bit his bottom lip. Was he thinking about what to eat for breakfast or whether or not he should take a human life?

“What if he makes good on his threat and attacks you or me again?” he finally asked. “Can I kill him then?”

I gaped at him. “Ari—”

“You’ve got to give me something to work with, Shaw. I promise not to go after him unless he antagonizes you or me again. Is that okay?”

No, it wasn’t fucking okay, but my head throbbed, and my nose was bleeding again.

“Fine, then you can k—” I couldn’t get the word out.

His body relaxed as the tension eased from his shoulders. His smile was smug. “Good, ’cause assholes like Judd never know when to stop. I’m quite looking forward to him trying to hurt you again.” His eyes met mine. “And don’t even think about trying to stop me. It’s bad enough you’re making me wait.”