
Shawhadagood head start on me when he left the house, the car squealing out of the garage. It was the sound of the vehicle that had me jumping to my feet. I sprinted to the front door, not caring I was naked. I was too upset at the way he’d left, leaving me behind and confused as to what had just happened.

Had I pushed too far, too soon? I hadn’t wanted this to happen, but given the latest development, I had no choice. I needed little space, and then I lost track of time, and Daddy walked in on me. I could have hidden, but I was tired of hiding this side of me. If anyone would know and accept me, it was him. At least, I’d hoped so. I thought he didn’t care until he ran.

“Daddy, come back!” I yelled, running down the porch steps. “Please stop.”

But of course he couldn’t hear me.


I went back inside. He had to come back. If he discovered… He had to return so I could explain everything to him, but I had no car and no idea where he even was.

Left with no option but to wait for him to return, I trudged up the stairs to my bedroom. I took a quick shower to wash away the cum. Then I dressed and headed back downstairs to get started on dinner.

What else was I supposed to do? Eventually, he would come home, and we would talk. The topic of conversation would depend on whether he opened his trunk, which realistically, he wouldn’t need to do unless he had a flat or something.


I dropped the knife I was using to cut onions and braced my hands on the counter as I worked on my breathing. Damn Rich. This was supposed to be a new beginning for me. I was supposed to gently ease Shaw into accepting that we always belonged together. That there was no use fighting the attraction between us, and he was attracted to me.

I’d ground my ass against that evidence. I’d seen the way he watched me hungrily as I fisted my cock and nutted all over his shirt. I’d tasted his desire on my tongue when we kissed.

Shaw wanted me, but if I wasn’t careful, I would ruin it.

An hour later, I had dinner finished, and still there was no sign of Shaw. I tidied the living room, then flipped through the coloring book I’d bought earlier today after all my hard work. I’d needed the time to unwind, and the book helped. I had no desire to return to my coloring, though. Where was he, and what was going through his mind?

What if I’d been mistaken about the whole situation? Shaw had always defended me against my mother, but what I’d done was a far cry from me wearing dresses.

The clock struck eight, and I was sitting at the table eating my cold dinner alone. I’d figured out where he more than likely was. Shaw didn’t live an exciting life. Granted, it’d been four years since I lived with him, but he was a creature of habit, and I doubted much changed. Mom always argued that he never took her anywhere because he preferred being at home. He went to work and returned at the end of the day.

I called an Uber and cleaned up the kitchen while I waited. When the car pulled into the driveway, I streaked up the stairs, pulled on a black hoodie, pushed my wallet into my pocket, and with my phone in hand, raced back down again. The driver barely looked at me as I shut the door.

“You wanting to get to the high school you said?” he asked, adjusting his rearview mirror.

“Yeah, you can drop me off a block away.”

“Suit yourself. You’ve already paid me for the full trip.”

I didn’t respond. Other times I might have wanted to leave a lasting impression, but not this time. I kept my hoodie pulled over my face and leaned against the door. He didn’t make any attempt at conversation, which was fine by me.

Twenty minutes later, he pulled up at the curb just as I instructed. I mumbled my thanks and got out, plunging my hands into the pockets of the thick hoodie. I’d put it on as a form of disguise for what I was about to do, but it also took away some of the February chill.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” the guy said through the window. “You know what they’d do to a pretty guy like you in prison?”

He was watching me more intensely than I liked. The familiar urge to get rid of anyone who threatened my well-being surged, but I smiled.

“I’m just waiting for someone here. He’s married and in the closet.”

He nodded. “I can see that. I’m straight, and I’d do you.”

I fluttered my eyelashes at him. “I don’t think you can afford me.”

He flashed me a grin and honked his car horn. “That’s what I was afraid of. See ya!”

He drove away, and I let the smile fade. I walked until the school grounds came into sight, then took the shortcut that led to the playing field. I located the lowest side of the fence, which they still hadn’t fixed in all this time, and I easily scaled it. I dropped down on the other side and landed on my feet.

Now to avoid the guards. That shouldn’t be too difficult. They stayed at the guard post and only made a few walkabouts around the campus to ensure everything was fine. I cut across the field to the boys’ locker room. It was way too easy to pick the lock. I slipped inside and breathed a sigh of relief.