"So you're gonna do what? Rape me right here in plain sight?"

He yanked me back by the hair. Tears pricked my eyes. He flung the back door open and shoved me inside. I went along with it, twisting at the last minute to fall on my back. I tugged my knife from my waistband just as he tumbled in after me, sprawling on top of me.

"Now that's much better." He leered down at me, wedging himself between my legs. "You were begging for it back then in the locker room too. Anyone ever told you your mouth's made for sucking dick? That's still the best head anyone has ever given me, and it was your first time, wasn't it? So you must suck dick like a pro now, huh?"

"I'm pretty good at it," I said truthfully. “There have been many over the years.”

“Slut. Are you good at spreading your legs too?" He laughed, his breaths shallow and quick in his excitement. "No, don't answer that. I'll know for myself 'cause I want in this time. In that tight little ass." He roughly pushed his hands under my shirt, more aggressive than last night. He pinched my nipples, and I gasped at the sting.

"Get off me, Rich." I gave him the opportunity to do the right thing. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Still playing your little game, huh? Well, guess your stepdaddy ain't here to protect you this time. I'll get off you when your ass is dripping wet from me coming so hard inside you. You like the sound of that?"

"The fuck, Rich! For the last time, get off me."

"Don't worry. I promise it'll feel better than when your stepdad sticks it inside you. Bet he can't get it up for long." His hand wandered to the front of my jeans. "What do you see in him anyway? He's old, fat, and ugly while you're so fucking pretty. Can have any man you want. Straight ones too. You're pretty enough."

I plunged the knife into his stomach. He stilled on top of me, his eyes bulging, his mouth forming a big O.

"You stabbed me."

"No, don't stop." I loved the look of fear on his face. I even licked his jaw. "Tell me everything you're gonna do to me. But I especially love the part where you talk shit about my Daddy." I twisted the knife and pushed deeper. "Do you know why he'll have me in his bed and you won't? Because he's a good man, Rich. Everything you're not. I tried to give you a chance, but you just wouldn't listen."

"Fucking bitch," he grated out, grabbing my hand. "Stop, please. What the fuck did you do?"

He tried to pull back, but I wrapped my legs around his waist, trapping him in the back seat with me. Blood dripped on my skin, but I held on tight as we grappled.

"Stop it!" He only managed a hoarse cry. "Call the ambulance. Please call the fucking ambulance."

"It's too late for you, Rich." I chuckled, stroking my bloody hand along his jaw, leaving a red streak. "Now why don't we play another favorite game of mine? It's called ‘let's see how long it takes before you bleed out.’ But do try not to bleed too much on Daddy’s car seat. Blood never truly comes out, you know. I bet you’re wondering how I know that.”

“Please, Ari—”

“Shh.” I kept my legs locked around him, twisting the knife so deep he screamed. “You want to keep holding that knife as long as possible. I wouldn’t want your guts spilling out on the floor. That’s just fucking gross.”

Rich’s pained eyes met mine. “You’re a psycho.”

“Hey, no need for name-calling. If you want to get into my good graces, you might want to apologize. Start with what happened in the locker room five years ago and make your way to all the mean things you just said about my Daddy.”

“I’m sorry…”

I adopted a sincere expression on my face, while inside, I was laughing. There was nothing better than giving them false hope, only to take it away.