
Everybodykepttryingto talk to me, and I hated it. I just wanted to be left alone, wrapped up in the cocoon of the happy memories of Daddy and me. My favorite time of us was the day we met and he won me that sloth stuffy. I could bask in the way he smiled at me that day forever, and it was exactly what I planned to do. Live forever in the happy memories before all the hurting. Before he turned me evil.

I pushed back against the intrusion of the black swirly thoughts about him. I did the same to thoughts and images of my mother. It was only Daddy who was allowed in this world. Daddy who knew the bad things I'd done but still loved me.

I snuggled into my little cocoon of happiness and held on to it, even though they prodded me and poked at me. If I let go, then it would all be real.

This was my reality now.

"Ari, baby, please wake up."

I frowned. The voice sounded like Daddy's, but they couldn't trick me to open my eyes. I was already with Daddy, surrounded by his kind smiles, and his murmurs of "good boy." I'd be his good boy forever.

"Baby, you're beginning to worry me. Just open your eyes for me. Please."

Daddy's image faded. No! Don't leave. I need you.

I reached out a hand for him, but he was too far away. Tears streamed down my face.

"Don’t leave me. Daddy. Please don't leave me."

"I'm never leaving you. I'm right here, baby. Just open your eyes, and you'll see I'm right here."

Where was he going? Why was he leaving me? The darkness he kept away crept toward me. My heart pounded in my chest as it circled my feet, swallowing me up.

It burned. Oh god, it burned like a million ants crawling up my skin and making a snack out of me.

"No!" I screamed. "Make them stop! Please make them stop hurting me."

I tried to run, but my legs were pinned down. I couldn't move. And Daddy left me.

"I didn’t leave you. I'm here. I'm here for you. Just open your eyes. Aristotle!"

My eyes flew open. My full name on Daddy's lips was strange. He never called me Aristotle.

I became aware of everything around me at once. The throbbing hurt in my body, the painful hammering of my heart, the beeping of a machine, and the harshness of the overhead light. Before I could clamp my eyes shut and block out everything again, a familiar sloth appeared in front of me.

"I know it's not the same one you had before," Daddy said softly, "but I tried to find one just like it, minus the torn ear and what not. Do you like it?"

Did I like it? Of course I did. For the second time, Daddy was giving me a sloth.

I nodded and held out my arms. He placed the stuffed animal in them, and I clamped my eyes shut, hugging the soft, plush body against my chest. So soft and nice. I would love it forever.

Daddy's lips pressed against my forehead. My eyes burned, and I sniffled as the memories I'd tried to keep at bay rushed at me. Tears leaked out from behind my eyelids.

"It's okay. I'm here. I swear you're safe. No one's going to hurt you."

A sob tore from my chest. Oh dear god, Howard. Sweet, kind, Howard who never did anything wrong but became friends with me. It was Harlan all over again. Everyone who got close to me ended up hurt and dead.

"Come here, baby." Daddy sat on the bed and carefully pushed my face into his chest. With one hand, I held on tightly to the sloth, and with the other, I clung to Daddy as sobs racked my body.

Daddy whispered words of comfort, stroked, and kissed my hair. My dreams had been nice, but the reality was everything. It felt so good to be able to touch him.

A shudder ran through me, and I let out a sigh. Daddy was so comfy and strong. I popped my thumb into my mouth and suckled. If only I could suck on his nipple instead. That always made me feel better.

"I was so worried about you." He brushed the hair at the back of my neck. "It's been eight days of hell wondering when you were going to wake up.

Eight days? I licked my lips and glanced around. Why was I in a hospital room?