I stumbled backward, his image blurry. I couldn’t stop looking. This… It’s not real. Howard’s not dead. He can’t be dead.

“Hello, Ari. It’s time.”

I spun around to the man who haunted me. How had he gotten in? I trembled as cold dread seeped into my skin.

“I can see you have questions about how I got in.” He spun the pocketknife around on its key. “After how careful you and your Daddy have been. Doing everything to protect you from me. You should tell your friends not to open the door to strangers.”

“He had nothing to do with this,” I whispered. “You killed him for nothing.”

“I wouldn’t exactly say for nothing. Look at how devastated you are.” He clucked his tongue. “You’re always getting attached to things I have to kill.”

“Leave me alone.”

He flashed out the blade of the knife. “Don’t worry. I will. Just as soon as I repay you for every scar on my body.”

I had to get out of here, but how? He was too big, too crafty.

Ken cornered me against one wall. I held my hands up to ward him off.

“Do you remember how many times you stabbed me, Ari?”

“Please don’t.”

The knife cut across my lower arm, and I gasped at the burning sensation as my skin opened and blood dripped onto the floor.

“Don’t be such a coward. I thought I made a man out of you. Did I beg you once to stop every time you plunged that knife into me? Not once. I deserved it, but so do you.”

“Please stop. I’ll do anything you want. Just please don’t.”

I cried out as the knife connected with my flesh again. He didn’t plunge the way I’d done to him. Mostly superficial slashes that sliced open my skin.

“I am going to inflict the same pain on you that you did on me that day.” He cut through my shirt, leaving a stinging trail. “When I’m through with you, he won’t be able to stomach the sight of you. People will turn their heads away when they look at you the same way they do me. We’ll both be scorned.”

Screaming, I ducked and scrambled away, but he came at me again. I held my hands in front of my face. The blade sliced my palm but thank god not my face. He shoved me, and I lost my balance, falling hard. I tried to crawl away from him, but my bloody hand slipped on the floor. His boot landed on my back, crushing my chest to the floor.

“I’m disappointed in you, Ari. I thought I taught you to be tougher than this. With all those men you killed, and you’re afraid to die?”

“I can’t breathe,” I gasped. “Please, I can’t breathe. I don’t want to die.”

My palm stung, my body was on fire where he’d cut me with the knife, but I didn’t want to die. For so long, I was so reckless and didn’t care. But Shaw… he made me believe my life was worth living, and I was too young to die, dammit. I had so much to make up for.

I struggled to drag air into my lungs, but his weight on me was too heavy. My vision blurred. Then everything went black.

I woke up from the sting of the knife against my shoulder and the bulk of his body on top of mine. My jeans and underwear were down to my thighs, and he probed his thick cock between my ass cheeks, even as he cut across my back.