
IfIhadto spend another day alone in the house while Shaw went to work, I would go out of my mind. The designer label expected the first set of designs next week, and I had nothing. Even though I had the days all to myself, I was too on edge to complete any work. Since his face had popped up in the kitchen window, I hadn’t seen my father again, but my skin crawled whenever I heard a sound or saw a shadow. He was still out there, biding his time.

How much longer could I be locked up in the house? Afraid to go out and run into him?

“Ari,” Shaw called my name softly as he entered the bedroom.

He walked over to the closet and pulled out his suit for work.

“Yes, Daddy?” I couldn’t expect him to stay at home with me when he had a school to run. He already allowed me to be clingy when he was home.

“How about you tag along with me to work today?” He carefully laid the suit on the bed. “Would you like that?”

So much.

“I don’t want to get you into trouble.” Although he’d come up with the intern excuse, we both knew it wouldn’t fly if someone really questioned it.

“Honestly? No, but who’s going to say anything if you stay in my office and don’t go wandering around the school?”

“Then yes, I’d love to go with you today.”

He smiled at me, his eyes full of compassion. He’d been so understanding about this whole nightmare with my father. This wasn’t a side of me he was used to. Of course I tried to be my usual tough self for him, but my fissures were widening, and soon I would crack apart if we didn’t do something about my father soon.

Maybe he would get tired of the games and leave me alone? As if there was a chance in hell that would happen.

“Go take a shower and get dressed. I don’t want to be late.”

He wouldn’t have to tell me again. I scrambled out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Although I knew he would never leave without me, I breezed through my shower. No need to put him to the test, was there?

The bedroom was empty. I skimmed through my clothes. Thank god the items I’d ordered had arrived last week. But the closet I shared with Shaw was still too empty. We were officially living together in our own house, and as much as I wouldn’t have wished what happened to our prior home on anyone, it might have worked out for the better.

No unpleasant memories lingered in this house. It was a fresh start.

Usually, I spent a long time deliberating what to wear when I left the house, but not this time. I didn’t have the time nor the clothes. I pulled on black jeans and a stylish dark green sweater with a mock neckline. A pair of black-and-white sneakers complemented my quiet outfit. I grabbed my satchel and raced down the stairs.


“I’m here.”

I slowed down and let out a sigh as I entered the living room, where he was drinking a cup of coffee and skimming the papers.

“I’m all ready to go.”

He peered at me over his glasses. “You look great. Handsome.”

I smiled at him, the tension I’d been holding in my shoulders easing. Spending the day with him would do wonders for me.

“Thank you. Are you ready to go?”

“You haven’t eaten yet.”

“Can I take it to go?” I begged him. I just wanted to get out of the house. The walls were suffocating me, but I didn’t dare leave them on my own.

“All right.”

Shaw folded the newspaper and got to his feet. He thought I looked great? He was amazing in his professional attire, the jacket stretching across his broad shoulders. I had to resist going over to him just to hug him.

Shaw poured my coffee into an insulated travel mug and dropped sticky buns into a Ziploc bag. He added an apple, one of my Capri Sun, a small bag of animal crackers, and some gummy bear treats to the lunch bag. He was so thoughtful in what he packed, without even having to ask me what I wanted. Everything in that bag was a favorite of mine.