I frowned. “My heart?”

“Our human hearts are deceitful, prone to sway to and fro with a whim of emotion, pride, or fear. But God is steadfast. And if you ask Him, He’ll give you the true desires of your heart. Even better, He’ll help shift the desires of your heart so they align with His plan for your life. Isn’t that wonderful? My idea of success and fulfillment changed even before I decided to forego moving to New York. God was already working on my heart. So, when it was time, I had confidence in my decision and joy in the outcome.”

A honk from outside announced that the cab was here. My mind was reeling from the advice Mom had given me. Why hadn’t I asked her about this earlier? I glanced at the cab. I had to get in it, right? Faithmark was expecting me in Snow Hill tomorrow to begin prep work for our movies.A Firefighter for Christmasstarted filming next week.

And yeah, the irony of the plot was not lost on me.

“Thanks, Mom. I’ve got a lot to think about, I think.”

“I’m always here if you need me,” she said.

I grabbed my suitcase and headed to the door. “Love you. I’ll let you know when I land.”