

Perhaps it was cliche, but I brought a bouquet of flowers when I picked Krystal up for our next date. She smiled and buried her face in them.

“You’re too good to me, you know.”

I chuckled. “Hardly. But I’m glad you like them.”

I chatted with her mom, while Krystal put the flowers in water.

When she returned to my side, I held out my arm. “Shall we?”

Wordlessly, she tucked her hand in my elbow.

“I have some big news,” she said when we sat in a booth against the wall at the bistro.


My curiosity was piqued.

She nodded, but didn’t say anything. I waited, then leaned in. “Are you going to share? Or do I have to guess?”

She exhaled a laugh. “Okay, I don’t really know how to say this. But I got the part.”

I tried to follow, but I was lost. “What part?”

“I got the lead in a movie for Faithmark. Actually, for two movies.”

I blinked and tried my hardest to control my reaction. The expression on her face was obviously excited but also hesitant.

“Wow,” I said. I realized my voice didn’t portray any positivity, and I continued, forcing myself to show an enthusiasm I didn’t feel. “That’s really amazing, Krystal.” The words were true. So why did it feel like the entire restaurant had disappeared under my feet?

“It kind of is. These are the same ones I didn’t get originally, but then there was this whole thing with the lead they originally cast. And they called me.” She looked up at me, waiting for a response. Did she want me to convince her to stay?

“Well of course they did. They were foolish to not have given it to you in the first place.”

Her smile was relieved.

“You’re not mad?”

I shook my head. No, anger wasn’t the correct word for what I was feeling. Gullible. Frustrated. Stupid. Those were more accurate.

“Of course not. Krystal, you’re incredibly talented. I’ve always been so proud of what you’ve done, and how you’ve chased after what you wanted.”

I didn’t add my next thought.

I had hoped that, for once, what she wanted would be me.

She reached for my hand across the table, and as she squeezed it, my heart clenched.

“I talked to my agent, and the studio agreed that I didn’t have to come back to LA. I’ll head straight to Snow Hill to start shooting.”


“Wednesday before the auction.”

I shut my eyes in disappointment. Ten more days and she’d be gone.