

My fingers intertwined with Jake’s, and I froze at the revelation he’d just shared.

“What do you mean, it was a fake relationship?”

“I’m just saying…you and I aren’t the only ones keeping a secret.”

My conscience twinged. It had been almost four months since an evening spent bickering after our small group had turned into an admission of our feelings and a secret we were keeping from everyone.

I relaxed deeper into Jake’s shoulder as we lounged on the couch. Here with him, I felt more at peace than I did anywhere else in the world. I wasn’t ready to let anyone else in. And in Minden, there were plenty of people who would try to interfere. “I can’t believe they didn’t tell me,” I mused. Bryce and I were close. Of course, it wasn’t like I had any room to judge. Krystal could have told me, though.

“I know. Me too,” he said. “Bryce said he convinced her to do it so people would stop setting him up on dates.”

I groaned. “Oh, man. So, this is allmyfault? I just want him to be happy, you know?”

Jake’s arms came around me. “It’s not your fault. But I don’t think now would be the best time to tell him about us, you know? He’s a bit sensitive about the whole ‘being alone forever’ thing.”

I smacked his chest with my left hand. “Stop it. He’s not going to be alone forever… Is he?”

Jake’s hand trailed along my upper arm. “No, he’s not. There’s got to be a way for the two of them to work things out.”

I stared up at the ceiling and racked my brain for something I could do. “I’m going to text her.”

Jake shifted under me, and I sat up so we could look at each other. “And say what?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Remind her that he’s here. That she could be too?”

Jake shook his head. “You don’t think she knows that?”

I grabbed my phone. “I don’t know. I do know that she loves Bryce. So maybe a reminder of him will be the little tug on her heart that she needs.” At least, that’s what I was hoping.

He didn’t look convinced, but it couldn’t hurt.

MS: How’s the movie going so far?

When no response came immediately, I set my phone down. Then I picked it back up again.

MS: We miss you around here.

MS: And by we, I mean Bryce.

I set my phone down again and tried to re-engage with Jake, but I couldn’t keep from glancing at my phone every thirty seconds, hoping for a new message.

Finally, ten minutes later, the screen lit up with a notification.

KD: I miss you, too. (And Bryce)

KD: I love it here, but I miss it there.

KD: I’m glad you texted. Will you help me with something?

I startled Jake with my excited yell of celebration. It was about time Krystal stopped denying that Bryce was the one for her. And if she needed my help, then I would do everything I could. Anything for them to get their happy ending.

* * *