They stop outside the gates of the estate. Zeke leans out of the car window and presses the code for the gate. Surprisingly, they open. I didn’t think Charlotte was a stupid woman, but her trust that her children will do as she commands blows me away. How can one person be so naive?

Zeke stops the car, cutting the engine, and the four of us get out. Another car pulls in behind us and Winters, Ford, and another man I don’t recognize get out. Zeke shrugs out of his suit jacket, leaving it on the front seat, and rolls up his sleeves. I have no idea what is going on, but a sense of unease rolls through me.

“Ah, I didn’t think you were going to come!” Charlotte’s voice has my head snapping in their direction. She’s standing near the front door, her mouth pulled into a victorious smile. Can she really not see the storm brewing around her?

“We need to talk,” Kane says.

“Inside,” Charlotte smiles, and I’m reminded of a shark.

The three brothers exchange glances before following their mother into the building. I trail after them, noting their bodyguards also come. They wait outside the room as Charlotte leads us into one of the sitting rooms in the house. I’ve been here many times over the years with Zeke, but I’ve never been in the inner sanctum of Charlotte Fraser. I would usually wait outside with the other men.

As we step inside the room, which is highly decorated, there are three love seats in a U shape and a huge fireplace that is not lit. The windows look over the gardens and the French doors onto the patio are open.

Anthony is sitting, waiting.

The patriarch of the family gives his sons a disapproving look.

“You were supposed to bring Aurelia. Where is my daughter?” he demands. That’s how they set this meet up then. I have to admit, I’m surprised they would naively think their children weren’t plotting something, but then Charlotte is such a narcissist she’d never believe them capable of standing against her.

Charlotte waves this off. “They don’t trust us, Anthony. Why would they bring her? They think we mean to torture her.” Her eyes roll.

Anthony’s gaze snaps to me. “Why are you in my presence?”

“Why he’s here is irrelevant,” Zeke says. “You two have become a problem.”

“The only problem here is your defiance!”

“I told you Aurelia would not marry who you chose,” Kane says. “I didn’t stutter when I gave you those words.”

“She is our daughter, not yours. When you have children of your own—”

Kane cuts his mother off. “You won’t live long enough to see them.”

The air feels charged with tension. Charlotte’s demeanour changes suddenly, as if she’s suddenly realising the danger she’s allowed into her home. The wolves were pacing outside the front door, but she’s invited them in.

“This is your plan? To kill us? All this so your sister doesn’t marry?”

Anthony doesn’t shift in his seat or move. The confidence on his face puts me on edge. How can that fucker be so at ease when the three boys he raised to be demons are staring down at him. Is he really so out of touch that he doesn’t understand the threat standing in front of him?

“All this because of the shit you have put us through over the years,” Luke corrects.

“You mean providing you with everything you’ve ever wanted or needed? Finding you good wives? Ensuring you have money and security?” Charlotte scoffs. “Yes, how terrible of us.”

“What a false dichotomy you have created in your head between the reality of what happens and your fantasy.” Kane straightens his suit. “You have always played the Queen on the chessboard, Charlotte. Moving the pieces wherever you wanted. Now, it’s time for us to make this final move.”

The three brothers pull guns out, pointing them between their parents. Neither Charlotte nor Anthony flinch at having weapons pointed at them. Kane reaches inside his suit jacket pocket and pulls out two pairs of handcuffs.

“Secure them,” he says to me.

I step forward, taking the cuffs from him. I approach Charlotte first. She is the more dangerous of the two of them. “Turn around,” I say.

She stares at me, disbelief and humour shining in her eyes. “I’m not going to do a fucking thing.”

There’s a rush of air and then Anthony lets out a yelp. He sags back against the cushions of the love seat as red starts to spread across his white shirt. Charlotte’s mouth parts slightly as she takes in her husband, bleeding. I can feel the disbelief radiating from her as Anthony touches a hand gingerly to his wound. It comes away stained red.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Charlotte screams, losing her composure for the first time ever. I’ve never witnessed her like this before. “Anthony!” She starts towards him, but I snag her bicep, my grip solid enough that she can’t pull free. “Let go or I’ll have your fucking head on a platter.”

I don’t release her. I tighten my grip. Her eyes narrow. “Guards!” she yells.