
Luke and I get off the lift in the foyer and head out of the front entrance of the building. There’s a car waiting, and when we climb inside, Zeke is driving, and Kane is in the passenger seat.

“Where the fuck are your guards?” I hiss.

No matter what we’re about to do, these three should not be unprotected.

“They’re following,” Zeke says.

“Why are you here?” Kane adds. “This is supposed to be family only.”

That stings a little, but I ignore his slight. I guess it’s going to take time for me to be accepted.

“He is family,” Luke says before I can fire a comment back.


“He’s married to Aurelia—something we all agreed would go ahead. Quit being a dick.”

I’m glad it’s Luke who said what I was thinking. I’m sure Kane would have torn my head off, but he bares his teeth at his little brother. “That doesn’t make him one of us.”

“We wanted someone for our sister who would protect her with his life,” Zeke surprises me by saying. “Malone will do that.”

“You’re on his side too?” Kane demands, sounding irritated.

“No. I’m on Aurelia’s side and she made her choice.”

Silence descends over the vehicle as Zeke moves the car through the traffic. After a while, I speak, needing to know the details of what we’re heading into.

“Where are we going?”

“Worried we’re driving you out to the woods?” Kane smirks.

“No,” I say. “But I don’t like being unprepared. It makes us easy targets.”

“Are you not a fan of surprises, Malone?”

“Are you?”

He smirks. “Depends on what the surprise is.”

I don’t speak again. They’re not going to tell me shit, so all I can do is be as prepared as possible for whatever is going to happen.

As the city gives way to more suburban landscapes before opening out into rolling hills, I realize where we’re heading.

The Fraser family home.

Are they planning on confronting their parents at their own house? That seems like an insane plan to me. Charlotte and Anthony will have men loyal to them at the premises.

“Are you sure about this?” I can’t help from asking. “I’m not into suicide missions.”

Zeke glances in the rear-view mirror at me. “It won’t be.”

“I admire the confidence, but your parents are going to expect an attack like this. They’ll be prepared.”

“Trust us. Nothing can prepare them for this.”