Aurelia’s smile is sad. “She’d rather hurt me than see me happy. What kind of mother thinks like that?”

I hate Charlotte for putting that look on her face.

“One who doesn’t deserve a daughter as wonderful as you are,” I say.

Her smile is watery, thin, but it’s there. “I wish this was over with. It scares me thinking she might come after you.”

“You don’t have to worry about me, Lia.”

“But I do. Charlotte is savage and she has you in her sights.”

“We’ll be okay. Both of us,” I promise her.

She hugs me so tightly it makes me never want to let her go. I hate putting my trust in other people, but I have to hope her brothers will win this battle.

“I wish we were alone right now. I want you inside me,” she says.

I groan. “You can’t say shit like that to me, not with your family here.”

Rolling to her toes, she presses a kiss to my mouth. “Sorry.”

I meet her kiss, slanting my head to get a better angle. Kissing her is like touching silk. I love how she feels against me, how much I want her and need her to keep touching me.

“This isn’t helping,” I say between kisses.

“Do you want me to stop?”


She does though. She pulls back to look at me. “Things are going to get bad, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, babe, but there’s always calm after the storm hits.”

I see Luke striding towards the door. He pulls it open. “This is happening now. If you want to come, then we need to go, now.”

I nod and turn back to Aurelia. I brush her hair behind her ear. “Stay here and don’t leave. No matter what.”

“Where are you going?”

“To confront your parents.”

Her eyes dart between me and her brother.”

“No.” She clings to me, her nails digging into my biceps until she must be leaving half-moon shapes. The fear in her eyes tears me apart.

“We have to. This is the only way to protect you and our family.”

“We’ll be safe,” Luke promises, even though that is not a promise he can keep. Charlotte and Anthony will not be easy to take down, no matter what her sons think.

I don’t want to scare Aurelia though, so I don’t counter his words. I want to tell her I love her, but I don’t want it to feel like a goodbye either. Instead, I say, “I’ll be back soon.”

She lets go of me reluctantly and I head inside with Luke. He drops a kiss on Sariah’s head as we pass, making our way to the lift. Neither of us speak until we’re inside it, the doors closed, away from the ears of the women.

“What happens if we don’t come back?” I ask.

Luke glances at me. “There are measures in place.”

“What kind of measures?”

“The Untamed Sons will hide our wives around the country. Anyway, don’t think like that.” He smirks. “We’re going to win, and we’re going to have a lot of fun doing it.”