I glance around my brothers, wondering what they will do when they find out about mine and Ryan’s relationship.

Bailey leans forward, taking my hand in hers and dragging me out of the dark turn my thoughts were starting to take. “You will be the best auntie ever.”

I smile, but I feel suddenly cold, despite the sun shining down on us.

“What’s wrong?” Luke asks.

I can’t tell him about Ryan and me, so instead I say, “Charlotte has called me a few times this week. She wants me to come home.”

“The fuck you are,” Lucas spits. “She’ll have you in a wedding dress the moment you step over the threshold.”

I let out a breath. “She is going to come for me. I know it. She has some hairbrained idea she’s found me a suitable match. I won’t go.”

“We won’t let that happen,” Bailey assures me.

I like her sincerity, but I’m starting to feel like this is a battle I just can’t win long term. “Charlotte is smart. Cunning. If she wants it, she’ll make it happen.”

Zeke rolls the liquid in the bottom of his glass. “Maybe it’s time for a change in management.”

“You want to usurp dear old Mum and Dad?” Lucas asks, his eyes widening.

Zeke’s mouth pulls into a tight line. “Why not? Those pair of cunts have been in charge for too fucking long.”

Kane, who has been quiet up until now, speaks. He leans forwards in his chair. “They have support.”

“So do we.”

“They have more.”

“So we’ll build more. Those two have been a fucking thorn in our side for years. I’m tired of doing what they want, and we all know they are a threat to Aurelia. Do you really want to risk them abducting her and forcing her into some shit union with a fucking stranger?”

I shiver at his words, ice crawling up my spine. This is more than just defying them. This is dangerous ground. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me,” I say softly.

Luke glances at me. “No one is getting hurt.”

I glance down at my lap, my stomach churning. I can’t do this. I don’t want this. I want my brothers safe. I don’t want Ryan to have to stand between me and an attack.

I excuse myself and head across the lawn to the house. I need to see Ryan. I need to talk to him. I need his assurance.

As I approach the back door, I see him standing just inside. His ballcap is pulled low on his head, but I can see his eyes and how they track me. He opens it as I get closer. Something must show on my face because he grabs my hand and pulls me into a room Elena set up as a small library. There’s a couple of love seats and wall to ceiling bookcases.

“What’s wrong?” he asks as he pushes the door. It doesn’t close, but it doesn’t matter. No one’s going to come in.

“They’re talking about going to war against my parents.” Ryan doesn’t say anything. “You think that’s a good idea?”

“I think anything that keeps you safe is a good idea, love.”

“They could get hurt.”

“They can handle themselves.”

“Bailey and Sariah are pregnant.”

He runs his fingers over my cheek. “That’s good news.”

“I want that.”

He frowns. “You want a baby?”