
Iclean myself up while Ryan is on the phone—probably to one of my brothers. When I emerge from the bathroom, he’s sitting on the edge of the sofa. I approach, a little hesitant and uncertain after what we just did together. How does it change things between us? Does it? He licked my pussy, which I’m sure made us something more. I’m not sure what though, and I don’t want to look clueless and inexperienced, so I don’t ask as I step around the sofa.

“So maybe we can go for a repeat performance of—” I break off. His expression is troubled as he clasps his hands together between his parted thighs. Instantly, I go on alert.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Charlotte is offering a reward to anyone who brings you to her.”

This makes my eyes flare. “I’m surprised she’s told anyone I’m missing. It doesn’t reflect well on her or my father.” And if there is one thing Charlotte doesn’t like, it’s being made to look like a fool. “I thought she’d keep my disappearance quiet,” I admit.

“So did your brothers, but she’s desperate it seems.”

He looks worried, and I’m not sure why. “It’s not the end of the world,” I tell him. “She won’t find me.”

“No, but it’ll make it hard for you to have a normal life, Lia. People are always going to be looking for you. She also opened you up to the enemies of your family. They know you’re out here, alone, undefended.”

A shiver runs through me. I hadn’t even considered that. “Why would she do that?” Charlotte must know the risks to me, right?

“Because Charlotte doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but herself. She wants you back and she’ll risk your life to do it if it serves her purpose. She’s banking on friendlies finding you first.”

My chest feels suddenly tight, the air thin. I rub at my sternum, trying to dispel the pain growing there.

“That’s a huge risk,” I murmur. I have no illusions about what my parents’ enemies will do to me if they find me first. They would ruin me in ways I could never recover from.

Fear crawls up my spine, settling like a weight in my torso.

Pushing up from the sofa, Ryan comes to me. His hands latch onto my biceps, and he ducks his head to meet my eyes. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise.”

I’m not sure if that is a promise he can keep. He can’t defend me against the whole city, not with all our enemies searching for me and our allies too.

The reality of this situation is starting to sink in and it’s not a good feeling. I’m always going to be looking over my shoulder, no matter what.

Dejection wars inside me with dismay. There’s no good outcome here. Better to be taken by our allies than our enemies.

“Maybe I should just do what she wants. At least then I won’t have to watch my back.”

He cups my face, forcing my attention to him. “No. You will be free, Lia. We just have to do it carefully.”

“I just want to be normal,” I whisper.

“You will be.”

I don’t know how he can say that, but I don’t want to argue with him. I pull my face free of his hands and walk to the window, my arms wrapped around my waist. I don’t know how to describe what I’m feeling right now. Hopeless. Alone. Scared.

My mother will never give me a moment’s peace.

My father neither.

They think they own me. In many ways, they do. I’m not a free person. I’ll never have autonomy over my life. They are my keepers, and I am trapped.

Even if I gain my freedom, what kind of life would I have?

The constant threat of my parents in the background.

The constant terror of abduction.