This is the man who kills without a thought.

This is the man I’m to sleep next to every night.

It should scare me, but it doesn’t.

Gemma rolls to her toes and gets in Kane’s face, no fear there, despite who she’s facing.

“The moment your father killed mine, that changed. I’m not one of you. I’ll never be one of you.”

“You have every reason to hate my parents, but I am not them.”

She shakes her head, moving away from him, her hands thrown out. “How long are you going to keep pushing your way into my life, Kane? I just want to be left alone.”

“For as long as you are required.”

I watch as the fight leeches from her body. I feel sympathy for her, but Kane is right. He’s not his parents and he didn’t kill her father. Her blaming him is unfair.

“I can’t keep doing this,” Gemma says. She looks exhausted.

“I know,” Kane agrees, “but you will.”

Her eyes snap to my husband’s, and I see the fire dance in her eyes. I start to move forward, fearing what she’s about to do to him, as she hisses out, “You’re a real bastard.”

Kane reacts before I can reach him. His hand thrusts out and grabs Gemma around the throat, pushing her against the wall. She struggles to keep her feet, the only thing keeping her upright is his hold on her neck. I can’t see his face, but I see the terror climb in Gemma’s eyes. She’s right to be frightened. She poked a bear and now she’s getting the snapping of his teeth.

“Remember who the fuck you are talking to.” His words are quietly delivered but they carry through the cavernous hallway. I pause behind him, leaving him to handle this, but ready to act if I need to protect him.

Gemma swallows hard, but she meets his gaze with one that is fire. “You need to leave me alone, Kane,” she says. “I can’t keep doing this.”

“I can’t help what my father did, but you are blood. That affords you certain protections, Gemma, but don’t misunderstand my duty for weakness. I am not a man to test. Don’t come into my house shouting again. You won’t like the consequences if you do.”

Gemma’s eyes darken, but she nods, then they slide past my husband to me, noticing me for the first time.

Kane twists to glance over his shoulder at me. There’s no light in his gaze. No emotion on his face either. Does he expect me to challenge him? To stand between him and his cousin? He told me I was never to challenge him in public, that it would weaken him.

“I have need of some clean clothes,” I say. “These are ruined.”

After a moment, he releases his hold on Gemma and steps back.

“Your father had your things sent over yesterday during the wedding. I’ll fetch you whatever you need.” He turns back to Gemma. “I need you to look at my wife.”

Gemma straightens her scrubs, gritting her teeth.

“Fine, but I need to be back at work in an hour, so let’s get this done.”

She leans down and moves back towards the front door to retrieve the bag sitting in the middle of the floor.

I glance to my husband, who doesn’t show any sign of emotion. He’s so different from the man who has been opening up slowly but surely to me. I’m not sure what to make of this version of him.

But this is who he is.

He is someone to be feared.

He has to be. Any weakness will be used against him.

He steps up to me, shattering my thoughts. I peer up at him, my heart starting to pound. For a moment, he says nothing, just scans my face. That’s worse than if he’d shouted his anger.

“Gemma will take care of you while I get your things. Anything in particular you want?”