
The sound of the door opening has my head snapping up.

I doubt anyone could get past my security, but I’m on edge after the day we’ve had.

I relax as I see Ford in the doorway of the living room. I lift a finger to my lips, ordering him to silence. Then I slowly extradite myself from Elena, carefully lifting her head off my shoulder and leaning her against the sofa cushions. She has a piece of gauze over her head wound and thankfully only had to have her wound glued, not stitched. Not that I give a shit about her scarring.

I’d taken her to the hospital on Gemma’s insistence. My cousin had spent ten minutes looking us both over and had recommended we both have a CT scan to make sure there was no bleeding on the brain. Particularly me as I had lost consciousness for a short time. I hadn’t wanted to take Elena out of the house and risk us being out in the open, but in the end I relented. Mostly because my cousin freaked me the fuck out with the complications that might occur.

Gemma managed to jump us in the queue at the hospital, so we were both scanned fairly fast, but the whole time I was in the machine, I wanted to get out and make sure Elena was safe, even though she had two guards with her.

I had been relieved to get home.

Nowhere is ever safe, but I feel more secure within the walls of my home.


It’s hers too now.

I was even more relieved that neither of us are badly hurt. Elena has a mild concussion, but nothing to worry about. My head, surprisingly, was fine.

As soon as we got back, I put her on the sofa and covered her with a blanket. I was going to leave her to sleep but she didn’t want me to go. We talked for a while before she fell asleep against me. Surprisingly, I didn’t want to move even after she drifted off.

I liked the feel of her against me. For the first time in my life, I felt… something.

I felt… different.

I’ve always taken care of my siblings. It’s been my job from the moment each of them were born, but with Elena, it’s different. She’s not blood, yet I find myself overly protective of her.

I don’t understand why.

She is a stranger to me.

But she’s also my wife. The person who is supposed to be closest to me in my life.

I’ve really bought into the role I was presented with.

Once I’ve freed myself from Elena, I follow Ford out into the corridor, shutting the door quietly behind me.

“I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow, earliest.”

“Matherson is good.” He’s the firm’s solicitor and heisgood. We pay him through the nose to fix shit like this.

“Everything is cleared up?”

“Yeah.” He scrubs a hand down his face, and I’m almost certain I’m not going to like what’s going to come out of his mouth.

“What is it?” I demand even so. It’s better to rip the plaster off these things quickly.

“The fuckers who shot at us. No fucking clue who they run with. After you and Elena got safely away, I patted both men down and tried to find out who they are. There was no identity, nothing that could tell me who sent them. Whoever they are, they aren't running in the normal circles. I didn’t recognise either of them.”

This troubles me, even though it’s not surprising. We can’t know every single member of every gang, crew, MC or syndicate, though we do try to keep a pulse on as many as we can. It helps stop any small level backstreet group from becoming a bigger fish in our pond.

“Get everyone on this. I don't care if you have to draft in more people. I want to know who is coming after my wife.”

Ford nods. “Is Mrs Fraser all right?”