
The wait for one of my men to pick us up feels like it takes eternity. I shield Elena from the road in case our attacker sent more pricks to try and kill us. I feel exposed, even with Ford’s gun tucked inside my jacket.

Elena is pale, but at least her head wound has slowed. It’s no longer pumping blood but weeping a little. We’ve been married less than twenty-four hours and I’ve already let her down. She’s sitting in front of me, hurt. Scared.

The cunts who did this are going to die.

I will burn every last man to the ground and piss on their ashes.

I will strip their flesh from their fucking bones after I’ve tortured them until they are begging for mercy.

I will—

“What are you thinking about?” she interrupts my thoughts.

I snap my eyes to her.


“Your expression was a little fucking scary just then. Where did you go in your head?”

I don’t want her to see the dark heart that beats inside me, but she has already peered under the veil. She isn’t naive. She knows who I am.

What I am.

So, I give her the truth. “I was debating how I’m going to kill the fuckers who keep coming after us.”

Her brows arch, but I don’t see judgement there. I expected to.

“Did you reach a decision?”

“I’m thinking flaying might be a good way to go.”

She smirks. “Dark.”

“You don’t seem shocked by my thought process.”

She tilts her head a little. “Those fuckers have tried to kill me twice. I want them to suffer, Kane.” My surprise must register on my face, because she adds, “You didn’t expect me to be as blood thirsty as you are?”

“Not at all.”

“I’m full of surprises, I guess. Do you know who is trying to hurt me? Us?”

“No.” I hate admitting that. It makes me feel so impotent. My job is to keep her safe. She is mine to protect, and I fell at the first fucking hurdle. The day after our wedding we’re sitting in a bus stop, both of us bleeding.

“No leads? Just nothing?”

“Whoever is behind these… attacks is careful. Methodical. I have the best people working on it. Rest assured I will find out who it is.”

I growl the last words, my anger rising in me like a volcano spitting magma.

“Let me help. My father has contacts too.”

“Do you think your father isn’t already searching for answers?”

My words seem to surprise her. “Really?”