“I’m okay with being your wife, with leaving everything I’ve ever known behind. I’m okay with you being in charge and taking a back seat. I understand how our world works better than you can imagine, Kane.”

“I know you do.” I’m confused about where this is going.

I glance over my shoulder, giving her my attention. I can see the hurt and anger in her eyes.

“I’ll be your pretty little doll, I’ll be your alliance and whatever else, but what I won’t be is your possession.”

I’d told her she belonged to me. I hadn’t meant it literally, but as a show of care. She’s mine to look after. “Darling, the moment you put that ring on your finger you became my responsibility. Every decision I make affects your safety, your comfort. You are mine to take care of. That is all I meant.”

She grumbles but doesn’t disagree with my assessment. I take her hand and kiss it. “Stop looking for things to fight about.”

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Aren’t you?” I raise a challenging brow.

“Why are you so chill about all this? I’m screaming inside.”

“Because I knew this day was coming. From the moment I took my first breath, I knew I would take a wife not of my choosing.”

“I knew the same,” she argues, “but knowing and living it are completely different. I don’t know how to handle this shit. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

Her admission surprises me. She’s been so closed off with everything else. “We handle it because we have no choice. This is our path.”

She glares at me, tugging her hand from mine. “Your pep talks could use a little more pep.”

I huff out a breath. This woman is a master at tying me up in knots. I’m getting whiplash from her. “Perhaps.”

I stand and hold my hand out to her. She takes it and I pull her off the bed. Then we head down to the breakfast room.

My mother is already seated with Anthony. The two of them have their heads together, planning fuck knows what. Charlotte notices us first, her gaze snapping towards us.

“Darlings, come and sit with us.”

I would rather chew broken glass than have breakfast with my parents, but Elena starts towards them. She has better manners than I do. I follow after her and reluctantly take the seat next to her.

“Did you both enjoy yesterday?” Charlotte asks as she wraps her hands around her mug of coffee.

“Up until you threatened to kill my family if I didn’t push out Fraser sprogs.” Elena gives my mother a beaming smile. I nearly choke.


Charlotte’s expression drops, morphing into irritation. I brace, ready to stand between my mother and wife if necessary. “I had no idea you were so… mouthy, Elena,” she says.

“You probably should have done more research before you bought me for your son.”

“That attitude will not get you far in this family,” Anthony tells her, his eyes narrowed on her. The urge to snap my fist out and slam it into his throat rises in me. If he keeps looking at my wife like that, I might just do it.

“I like her attitude,” I say. “Exactly as it is.”

A small hand slips into mine under the table. Elena. I squeeze her.

“Just as well, since you’re both stuck with each other.” Charlotte fluffs her hair, as if trying to reclaim her equilibrium. I can tell Elena’s snipe at her has pissed her off. My mother will remember it and will use it against my wife when she has opportunity. That’s how petty my fucking mother is. She’ll see Elena’s defence of herself as a slight. She won’t like that she has a voice, that she’s willing to protect herself.

I fold the napkin on the table, trying to control my temper. “And you will both show my wife the respect she deserves. She’s not one of your fucking minions. She’s family now. My family.”

Anthony growls. “Respect goes both ways, boy.”

“When you show me some, I will reciprocate it.”

“Now listen here—”

Charlotte grabs Anthony’s arm and pulls him back into his seat. “I’ll not have fighting over breakfast. Elena, why don’t you tell us about your favourite part of yesterday?”

My wife glances at me, and I give her a small nod. She starts to reel off what she enjoyed about our wedding day, while I give my father my attention. He glares at me before giving Elena his focus.

He has no idea how much pleasure it would give me to slit his fucking throat. I have no idea where this wave of possessiveness and protection towards Elena has come from, but it burns through me like fire.

Father or not, if he—or my mother—comes at my wife again, I will bleed them both, and I will show them no mercy as I take their lives.