It’s Hamish who speaks for Elena. “Of course she is.”

Elena grits her jaw but forces a smile. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Kane. Hopefully you'll be a little more communicative at the wedding itself.” She turns and walks out of the room, a furious Hamish on her heels. I consider going after him, but I hope my warning will be enough to keep his hands to himself.

Charlotte moves around the front of the desk. “You couldn’t have even tried, could you? That woman is going to be your wife, Kane. The least you could do is make an effort.”

I slip my gaze in her direction. “Need I remind you I'm only marrying the girl because you have demanded it. You and Anthony cooked this shit up between you and expect me to be jumping for joy? It's not going to happen.”

“I know it's difficult, darling, but you have to try. Like a fire, marriage can only thrive if it is given the air it needs to breathe. You can make something good here with Elena, but you have to want it.”

I push up from the chair, straightening my suit. “That is the problem, Mother. I don't want it. I've never wanted it.”

Without giving her an opportunity to respond, I make my way back into the hall. I see my fiancée standing near the entrées with her father. Whatever he is saying to her, she looks annoyed. I get the impression I have disappointed her. I should feel bad for that, but I don't. As their argument starts to get more heated, I find my feet moving in her direction. I don't think her father would be stupid enough to raise a hand to her, not again, but even so I find myself interjecting between them. Hamish instantly silences whatever he was going to say, but I can see he is seething.

“If you don't mind, I would like a moment with Elena.”

Hamish looks as if he absolutely minds, but he excuses himself nevertheless, shooting his daughter dark glare. Elena huffs out a breath and reaches for one of the entrées, shoving the whole thing in her mouth. “I guess that's done,” she says once she's swallowed.

I stare at her, trying to figure out the woman who's going to share my life with me. So far, all I can glean is she has a temper, one she's not afraid to unleash. “Indeed.”

She turns to stare at me, and I can see my lack of enthusiasm has pissed her off even deeper. She drops a hand to her hip and glares at me. “If you're going to spend our entire marriage saying no more than two words to me, you might as well put a stop to this now. I will not be some trophy on a shelf that you pull out when you need me at events and whatever else. I spent my life in the shadows because of my father, and I won't do that under the thumb of my husband too.”

I cock a brow at her. “You will be the perfect wife, because it is what is expected.”

She snarls at me, looking like a rabid animal. “And will you be the perfect husband? So far you've been lacking severely.”

From anyone else those words would have pissed me off, but for some reason I find my lips working into a smile. I can't remember the last time I did that. “You will find, Elena, there are many things that I am perfect at, and I look forward to showing you all of them.”

I turn and walk away, leaving her standing stunned behind me.