Letta squeezes my arm. “You can do this, Leelee. You’ll be okay.”

I’m not sure if she’s trying to convince herself or me. I lick my lips, trying to get some moisture back into them. My mouth is drier than the fucking desert right now. First impressions are important, and even though I don’t care what he thinks of me, I care what I think of him. He’d better make a good impact.

I slip my feet into a pair of heels that match my dress and huff out a breath, steeling myself.

“I’m ready.”

My sister can’t be with me tonight. No one can. This is a journey I have to take alone. I wish Letta could be with me though. I wish my mother was here to get me through this.

I move towards the door before I lose my courage and make my way through the corridors of the mansion. As I approach the room used for functions, I can hear the hustle and bustle of voices. The crowd isn’t as big as it should be. My father and Kane’s parents agreed to keep the proceedings smaller than usual. I know it’s because there is a risk someone might try to assassinate me or Kane to stop this wedding from happening.

There are people milling around, champagne glasses clutched in their hands. As I descend the stairs, I feel their gazes come to me.Don’t fucking trip,I mutter to myself. That would make a hell of an entrance.

I manage to get to the bottom of the staircase without incident. Nervous energy ripples through me. I push my doubts from my mind.

I have to do this.

For my family.

For my own future.

I smile, as if I am the happiest bride-to-be, and make my way over to the nearest waiter, taking a glass of champagne from him. I take a long sip, relishing the taste as I do. I need the courage.

There are only a few people here, maybe fifteen at most, but I feel as if the room is heaving. Invisible fingers press against my throat, making it hard to breathe.

Don’t pass out.

I let my eyes move around the room, and that’s when I spot him. The only man who can be Kane Fraser. He’s a mountain. Tall, broad, and I would surmise athletic beneath his suit. Margaret didn’t lie when she said he is attractive. He is stunningly beautiful. Like a wave gathering momentum, he has the power to drown anyone who steps into his waters. He commands every inch of the room, even though he’s just standing there. I notice people give him a wide berth, as if they are scared to step into the shadow hanging over him. I understand that. He makes me on edge too. There’s something about his presence that makes every nerve in my body stand to attention.

He runs a hand over his dark, cropped hair, his eyes scanning the room. I don’t want to get caught in his gaze, but his eyes lock onto me before I can find somewhere to hide.

There isn’t electricity but something more sinister that passes between us. I know without a doubt I’m looking into the eyes of a killer.

A predator.

And I know he sees me as prey.

“Ah, Elena. There you are.”

I ignore my father as he moves towards me. I only manage to tear my eyes from Kane when my father steps into my line of sight, cutting me off from him.

“Kane is ready to meet you,” he says in a low voice. “Don’t fuck this up.”

He has already lectured me about acting demur before the meeting. He seems to think Kane wants a submissive wife. I have no idea how to be that, but I plaster the smile more firmly on my face as he leads me over to my soon-to-be husband.

Every step feels like I’m going to my own execution.

I hold my head high, steel my spine, and force myself to look as regal as a queen. Kane’s gaze follows me as I move closer, not deviating from me.

“Kane, allow me to present my daughter.”

I give him my attention, forcing a smile.

“Hello,” I say softly, not sure what else I should say.

His eyes roam over me, and I feel as if he’s undressing me with his gaze. I resist the urge to shift on my feet. I won’t give him the satisfaction. His attention comes to my face, before he glances away.

I get the distinct impression I’ve disappointed him.