I glance at Winters. He gives me a look that says this is the end of the road. But I know it hasn’t come yet. Weston is on his way. We just have to hold on long enough for him to arrive.

“I know you’re out of bullets.” The voice taunts us, sounding disembodied as it echoes through the air. It sounds like our attackers are no longer firing at us from the upstairs windows, but closer. They know we’re out of bullets. “If you don’t come out, we’ll drag you out.”

Neither of us move, knowing that to step out beyond the car would be a suicidal move, one that would get us both killed. I hear footsteps coming towards us, and the figure rounds the end of the car with a gun pointing at my head. My life doesn’t flash before my eyes, or whatever bullshit people think happens when you’re staring down the barrel of a gun, but I do see my wife’s face. I wish we could have had more time together, longer to know each other, but I know my family will do whatever they can to protect her. Not Charlotte or Anthony, but Kane and Zeke. I make my peace with dying as the fucker standing in front of me smirks.

A loud sound fills the air, and he jerks back as if he has been punched in the head, his neck snapping. A hole in his head is spilling blood down his face in a macabre waterfall. He takes a step forward as more guns fire, ripping through his body. He jerks with every hit before he slides bonelessly onto his knees and hits the tarmac facedown.

I turn around and see Weston and my father’s men rushing towards us. Relief floods me, but it’s short-lived as the popping sound of gunfire fills the air. Some of the men find their way to me and Winters, protecting us with their weapons. The fire-fight is brutal and brief. My father’s men annihilate Wood’s crew. They don’t give them a moment’s reprieve as they mow down every person they can find.

When it’s over, Weston comes to my side. He eyeballs me, his gaze trailing over my body. “You hurt?”

I stand slowly, my legs feeling a little shaky. “Not a scratch on me.” I pull out my phone and quickly dial my brother. He picks up almost immediately.

“I haven’t heard anything. I told you I’d phone you as soon as I do.”

I let out a relieved sigh. Kane is alive and breathing, not in danger. “We have a problem. Aaron Leep is a fucking traitor. And he is alone with my wife and our sister. I’m on my way to the penthouse now. Meet us there.”

I hang up before he can question me further and turn to Weston. “Follow us back to my penthouse. We’ve got a fox in the henhouse.”

I get back in the car with Winters after brushing the smashed glass off the back seat. “Drive,” I order. “Quickly.”

The drive across town feels like it takes an eternity. Nervous energy rushes through me and my anxiety is through the roof. I don’t fear my own end, but I worry for my sister and my wife. They are not equipped to deal with this life the same way I am, and I know how cruel men like Jeremiah Wood can be. Sariah humiliated him by not marrying him and by taking another husband. He’s going to make her pay for that.

When we reach the penthouse, we head up in the lift all together, squeezing as many men as we can into the cart. When the doors open on the penthouse floor, I expect to be met with screaming or gunfire or something. The silence is worse.

As I move into the living area, I can see signs that Sariah and my sister were both here. There are cups on the coffee table, and something is burning in the kitchen. These are the only signs of anything out of place. Winters checks all the rooms while I come to the realisation that there is no sign of a struggle, meaning Aaron walked them out of the apartment. They trusted him enough to go with him. Fuck. My stomach rolls and it feels like my heart has been caved in with a pickaxe. I’ve never felt pain like it. I rub my chest, trying to disperse the agony working its way through my torso. It doesn’t help. I have no idea what Aaron’s endgame is, but I can imagine it is nothing good.

I turn to Weston. “Find where that fucker took my wife and my sister and do it quickly. They may not have much time.”

I don’t care what it takes and what lines I have to cross. I’m getting my wife and Aurelia back, even if it kills me in the process.