Her words warm me to the fucking core. The only people who have ever given a shit about me are my siblings. Her recognition that my family is important to me too is a vital component of our relationship.

The lift dings and the doors slide open. Winters steps out, followed by my sister and her guard, Aaron Leep. He is an ugly-looking fuck. It is the very reason he was chosen as my sister’s detail.

Aurelia walks towards me, removing her heels as she goes. She tosses them by the console table and continues towards me. “I don’t need a babysitter, Luke. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself. I already have Aaron on my heels all day.”

I ignore her griping. “Stay with Sariah, and don’t leave the apartment until I get back. And do everything Aaron tells you to.”

My sister rolls her eyes at me. It’s impossible to imagine that her and Sariah are the same age. Sariah has a maturity about her that Aurelia does not.

“Don’t be difficult.” I turn to Sariah. “You never got a proper introduction, but this is my sister Aurelia. This is Sariah.”

My sister gives her smile that is both uncertain and also a little hostile.

“Play nice,” I warn her.

Aurelia gives me a smile that does not seem sincere. “Don’t I always?”

I don’t want to leave them together when my sister is in this mood, but I have no choice. I have to go and I’ve already waited too long, but I don’t want to let go of my wife. The thought of leaving her here alone makes me feel uneasy, even despite the security systems in place. “I need to go.” I don’t mask the regret in my voice.

“So go. I will be okay.”

“No one can get into the apartment without me allowing it. I promise you’re safe here.”

I press a kiss to her mouth and then I leave.

And it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.