
Ileave Sariah watching TV in the lounge and head to the control room. The room is completely soundproof and has a wall of screens that show every angle of the penthouse. I often thought Zeke was a paranoid bastard. His security system rivals no other I’ve ever seen, and when I first had taken over his penthouse, I considered getting rid of it. I’m glad I didn’t now. I’m able to watch over Sariah as I do what I need to.

I keep my eyes locked on the screen that shows my wife even as I dial Kane. He answers on the third ring.

“How hot are things?” I ask, now that I can talk freely without worrying Sariah.

I need to be involved in what’s happening. I owe it to my brothers to have their backs. I don’t want to leave my wife, but my family needs me to protect and shore up our defences. I’m not the kind of man who can just sit around and let things happen while I’m ensconced safely in my castle. I like to get my hands dirty and be involved in whatever is happening.

“About as bad as I expected. We put a lockdown on all our other businesses, but I suspect Wood will do more damage.” Kane sounds annoyed. I don’t blame him for his frustration. “His retaliation, while not unexpected, changes the playing field.”

Just a little bit. I didn’t think he would take it lying down, but I didn’t expect such a violent payback. I have to admit part of me hoped he would just walk away, concede the defeat, but I understand why he couldn’t. Sariah isn’t a woman who can easily be pushed aside and forgotten. If I were Jeremiah, I would fight for her tooth and nail.

“So, what’s the plan? Tell me Charlotte has one.”

“She wants to speak to Declan before she does anything she can’t take back. We can’t do that until the fucker wakes up from his surgery, and even then it’s going to be risky. Wood has men all over the hospital. I’m not looking to get murdered.” He blows a breath down the line, and I can sense his irritation. “Charlotte wants me to marry the Adams girl sooner than was discussed. Her father is pushing back. He wants the girl to have the big white wedding. The whole event. I couldn’t care less about a fanciful affair, but he won’t move forward or help with our situation unless we agree to it.”

We have history with the Adams syndicate, and not good history. I’m surprised they would entertain the idea of marrying their daughter to my brother, but old hurts can be forgotten if it furthers a cause. I talk a lot of crap about my mother, but she is the queen of causing shitstorms and smoothing them over. “If you don’t marry her soon, there is a risk that they might defect to Easton and Wood’s side.”

“You think I don’t know that?” he snaps. “What would you have me do, Lucas? Short of abducting the girl and forcing her down the aisle, there is nothing.”

Considering that’s what I had done with Sariah, I don’t understand his problem with it. “It worked for me.”

“And then we will be at war with the Adams, the Easton, and the Wood syndicates. Even if we call on the Untamed Sons to stand beside us, we cannot face that many enemies.”

He’s right. We need to tread carefully and keep our allies closer than ever. “Hamish Adams knows what we’ve done?”

“He knows. He is fully supportive of the move, hoping we might rid London of yet another family. He’ll give us support in exchange for marrying his daughter and some territory he wants that butts onto his own. He also wants a payout, but Charlotte didn’t get into the details of what that would entail.”

It wouldn’t be the first time a syndicate has died a horrible death in London. With the Sons help, we got rid of the Farleys, and before that the Sons got rid of the Blackwoods. Syndicates have a habit of disappearing when they get too big. It’s better to be friends with us than enemies.

“How many died in the petrol bombing?” I ask. I need to know what kind of serious situation when dealing with.

“Seven. There would have been more, but the bar had only been open for an hour. Most of the casualties were the bar staff. That cunt needs to die for that.”

“Those who died will have their lives avenged. Count on that, brother.”

“How’s things going between you and the wife?”

I’m not a man who kisses and tells, and what happens between me and Sariah is our business.

“None of your business. I’ll be with you in about an hour, so try to stay out of trouble until then. Goodbye, Kane.” I hang up the phone knowing my brothers and parents will take care of things while I look after my wife.

I get a message on my phone almost immediately, telling me the doctor’s here.

I enable the lift for her to come up. I should have called Mary, the doctor who takes care of things for us usually, but it doesn’t feel safe to have strangers know Sariah is here. I called Gemma instead.

I try to leave my cousin out of our dealings as much as possible. It’s no secret she hates us, and I don’t blame her for that. Anthony did destroy her life, and I know she’s never forgiven him for that. Nor should she, but you don’t get to pick your family, and she is, whether she likes it or not, a Fraser. That comes with responsibilities.

As a qualified trauma doctor, she has skills we can utilise. Though I usually only call her if someone is missing a limb.

I push up from my seat, stepping back into the living area to go to the door. Sariah’s eyes come to mine. She is sitting on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around herself. Fuck, she is beautiful. Her blonde hair tumbles over her shoulders in loose waves, and her now make-up-free face looks so much better than it did with all that shit piled on.

“Is everything okay?” she asks.

“The doctor’s here.” I walk over to her and sink onto the edge of the sofa. “She’ll sort you with the pill as well as anything else you need. Have you made your list of clothes and supplies that you want?”