“Did you never want to just deviate? Do your own thing?”

He rubs his thumb over the apple of my cheek. “Did you? Why did you stay so obedient?”

Because I’m terrified of Declan. I feared being out in the world more than I feared him. The world is a dangerous place for a mob princess, and it was always a case of better the devil you know.

“I didn’t have a choice,” I say quietly. “Declan ruled my life, every inch of it, from what I wear to who I marry. He owned me.”

Anger clouds his eyes for a moment. “No one owns you, Sariah.”

I cock my eyebrow at him, not sure how to take his outburst. “Not even you?”

“I’m your husband, not your keeper.” He spits the words out, and I resist the urge to recoil from his ire. He notices my reaction and his brow draws together. “You don’t need to be scared of me. I’ll not hurt you. I promise you that.”

He says this, but I don’t really know him well enough to know what he would or would not do, and I’ve been hurt by people I was meant to trust before. It isn’t easy for me to put my faith in someone else.

“I hope that’s a promise you can keep,” I say to the man who is now my husband.


The word still seems foreign to me. I have a husband. I rub a hand over my forehead, feeling my temple starting to throb. “I can’t believe we got married.”

He pulls me closer, holding my chin between his fingers as he presses his mouth to mine. I want to argue, to tell him this isn’t the time or the place. We have too much to discuss, but I lean into his touch, my tongue sweeping over his. As always, my belly tingles the moment his hands are on me. Luke cares about me, and not because of what I can bring to the table, because he didn’t know who I was in the beginning. He was kind to me at a time in my life when that was a rare occurrence. He treated me like a human being, not a chip to be bartered. He pulled me out of the darkness when I was drowning, and he gave me the best gift he could have given me. He gave me a choice. No one has ever done that for me.

His hand slips around the back of my neck and tightens. When his eyes meet mine, I see the fire in them, the heat. “Get used to being my wife, little dove, because you are now a Fraser.”

That should scare me, but it doesn’t.

Before today the Frasers weren’t our enemy, but stealing me and shooting Declan the way they did means they’ve moved into that territory. I should side with the man who has raised me all these years, but I don’t want to.

I don’t owe Declan my allegiance or my support. I don’t owe it to Luke either, but I’m more inclined to give it to him. He’s never done anything to hurt me, and I don’t think he would. We’re both completely besotted with each other, and I like the intensity of that feeling, even though I’m sure it won’t last. Good things never do in my life.

For now, all I can do is ride this wave. Because Luke makes me feel alive in a way I never have. It’s that strength of feeling for him that scares me the most. I’ve never relied on anyone before, but I think I already lean on him.

I want to get to know him better. It’s all I wanted the whole time I was with him. In the club there wasn’t time to really talk in depth. We were driven more by our needs, by our desire to be together. Things are different now. This isn’t just about sex or a connection. Marriage is different. It’s not about immediate gratification, but long-term happiness. Do I get to be happy? I’ve never considered what a life like that would look like. I just accepted my lot and resigned myself to a life of hell and misery.

Luke gives me hope. Yes, he is the son of a crime boss, and I’m sure his slate is not clean, but he’s the first person in my life who doesn’t seem to want to control me or make me dance to their tune. He doesn’t want me to be the pretty doll on the shelf. That makes me fall for him a little more.

It’s more than that though. Declan told me no one would ever want me, but I’m starting to realise my father talked a lot of crap. I feel special with Luke, like I am worthy of his attention. It’s been a long time since anybody gave me that. So long I barely remember what it’s like to be loved or cared for. I’m addicted to the feelings he brings to the forefront when we are together. The natural high I get from being around him can’t be simulated. I’ve never wanted a person in my life as much as I want him. I crave meaning something to someone.

“What happens when my father realises you’ve taken me?” I ask in a hesitant voice. Asking questions usually gets me new bruises, so I can’t stop from bracing myself. But the hit never comes. Luke just squeezes my hand.

“Your father will either come to our side or he will side with Jeremiah Wood. We hope he will do the former, but if he does the latter, we will destroy him.” He says this so easily, as if talking about the weather rather than murdering people. I know this darkness exists in men. I’ve seen it in Declan many times, but for some reason, Luke’s words chill me to the bone.

“I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.” The thought of Luke getting injured makes my gut churn.

“Not for you to worry about, little dove,” he says, his tone a little stern.

I shouldn’t let it rile me, but it does. I’m tired of being told what I should feel and what I should think. I’m tired of being told how I should react. Now that I’ve tasted freedom, been given a hint of it, I’m loath to give it back.

“It concerns me, Luke, so it is for me to worry about. I can’t just switch it off and pretend life is okay even though you may be risking your neck to keep me safe.”

“Little dove, you married a Fraser. We take care of our own and protect family to the death. I will keep you safe and be sensible doing it, I promise.”

Neither of us speaks until the car stops outside a large building. It must have at least thirty floors, maybe—it’s hard to tell from my vantage point. My heart starts to race. Once again, I’m in a situation where I have no idea what the outcome will be, only this time I’m not afraid. I’m interested to see what the future holds for me as Mrs Sariah Fraser.