“So I’ve heard.”

“It doesn’t worry you?” Nox asks.

I give him my attention. “Should it?”

“Easton is bringing together London and Manchester. He is creating a powerhouse. Yeah, that fucking worries me.”

He’s not wrong. It’s the same fear that upset my mother, and it’s the reason why she’s pushing Kane to marry into the Adams syndicate. Charlotte no doubt hopes that will create a secure alliance. Maybe I should be worried, but the only thing on my mind is Alice and finding her. I don’t want to let this woman slip through my fingers, and relying on her coming back on Friday seems risky. The politics of the city don’t interest me right now.

“When you’re top of the food chain, you’ll find there is nothing that really worries you.” I straighten my suit jacket, my words strong. I don’t want the Sons to see even the hint of a chink in my armour.

Nox growls at me under his breath. I can’t stop smirking at the fact that I’ve pissed him off. Annoying these bastards is the only thing that keeps me fucking sane. I live to torment.

“You’re not as close to the top of that tree as you think you are,” Ravage says with a sneer.

Touched a nerve. It makes my smirk grow even as I feel Winters move closer to my back, sensing trouble might be brewing.

I get up in Ravage’s face, ignoring how Nox tries to move between us. I’m sure his other brothers are preparing to make a move, and the air becomes still, fraught with tension. Any sane person would back down. “Why don’t you let the big boys worry about who is marrying who. You children just play with your bikes.”

Ravage wraps his hands around my throat. It’s a ballsy move, and I have to respect him for his show of strength. “You’re family now, which is the only reason I’m not putting my fist into your fucking face. But don’t cross me, Lucas. You won’t like the wrath of the Sons.”

Is that supposed to scare me? It doesn’t. He might have the weight of an MC behind him, but I’m hardly defenceless.

“And you think you would like the might of the Fraser syndicate coming down on your head?”

The tension continues to swell. It’s Nox who breaks the silence. “This marriage is a concern for us, and it should be for you. You decide you want to pull your head out of your arse long enough to talk about it, I will arrange a meet.”

I watch the two of them walk off and rejoin their brothers. I don’t give a fuck about this wedding. I don’t understand why everyone cares either. So Wood marries the Easton bitch. What fucking difference does that make? Wood is an insignificant drug baron. He is hardly powerful enough to take down the rest of us, and Easton is a cunt with no fucking idea what he’s doing. It’s partly why he’s marrying his daughter to a man with little to no sway.

I watch the fights for a little while before I head back to the staff area and the office. Winters keeps guard outside the room like the good little dog he is. I sit at the desk with my feet on top of the wood, trying to clear my head. We are not enemies of the Eastons, but we’re not exactly allies either. They stay to their corners and we stay in ours, and that’s how it’s always been. No one wants to interfere in another syndicate’s business. It’s a sure-fire way to cause a shitstorm.

I drum my fingers on the table as I mull over what the Sons said. Maybe Charlotte is right to ensure our own chain has no weak links.

Though I doubt Kane would agree.

I should dial my mother or my father and tell them what transpired. Instead, I find myself calling Eric Granger. He’s our go-to guy whenever we need techie stuff.

He answers on the third ring, and I don’t bother with any preamble. “I need you to find someone for me.”

“Give me everything you know about them, and I’ll see what I can do.”

Granger has access to places that most people would never be able to stomach going to. It makes him a good person to know.

I tell him everything I can remember about Alice, including the fact that I’m sure she’s using a fake name. Granger doesn’t say a word as I talk, waiting until I’m finished to say, “It’s not a lot to go on, but I’ll see what I can find.”

I hang up and tap my fingers against the desk again. I feel restless. I wish she were here, but for now, I have to rely on the memory of her. She doesn’t know it yet, but when I find her, I plan on keeping her. No more games. No more sneaking around. I’m going to own her heart, body, and soul.