
Luke fills my head in the days after our meeting. In truth, he’s all that keeps my head above water and stops me from drowning. Our time together had been a spot of light in an otherwise dark sky. He made me feel… alive.

He made me feel free.

I’ve been a prisoner in my own life for so long I forgot how it feels to have autonomy. It might be fleeting, but my fling with Luke is giving me a tantalising taste of normality. I’m tired of living in this cage.

I place my book on the end table with a sigh. I have barely read a word of it in the last hour. All I can think about is Luke. Every time I’m with him it’s as if my world tilts on its axis. I find myself secretly smiling throughout the day as I remember things he said or did to me. It’s a foolish childish dream, but I imagine us running away together. I envisage the life we would build together, free from syndicates and arranged marriages. But that is not to be my fate. I don’t get the happily ever after. My life will always be dictated and my father will always have control over me.

The door opens to the living room and Declan steps inside. My heart instantly sinks.

If my mother still lived, she would not allow this marriage to take place. She would protect me from this monstrous act.

I have to go along with Declan’s demands, no matter how much I hate it. It is the only way to remain safe, breathing, but Luke has ignited a little spark of rebellion inside me. I’ve had a taste of real chemistry and feelings. I want it. I want everything Luke offers—safety, security, and above all things, love.

What I have with him is addictive. I want desperately to pursue my relationship with Luke, but how can I? In less than two weeks I’ll be saying my vows, binding myself to Jeremiah Wood.

How can I drag Luke into this hell?

“Wood is coming to see you tomorrow.” Declan’s words snap me out of my thoughts. Cold fills my belly at his words. Jeremiah is the last person I want to see. “Make sure you are presentable. We can’t afford for him to back out of this wedding now. There’s a lot riding on it.”

I don’t understand the intricacies and the inner workings of the syndicates that run London, but I know Declan is shoring up his power by joining me to the Woods. It is an alliance that will bring with it great benefits—for him, at least. I get nothing out of the deal.

Luke’s face dances across my mind. I don’t want to do this, and for the first time in my life, I feel strong enough to fight. I ball my hands into fists in my lap.

“I’m not marrying him.” My words are soft, my voice trembling as I say them. I have never been so defiant, but I have to fight for my life, for the right to live it as I choose. This is my last chance.

Declan’s eyes snap towards me, and I see the burn of fire within them. I’ve never stood up to him before. Not like this. “What the fuck did you say?” he hisses out. The anger that crackles through his voice makes shivers run up my spine.

“I don’t want to marry him. You can’t force me to. This isn’t the fifteen hundreds. I have a say over my life.”

I steel myself as the room seems to hold its breath. I hold my own as Declan stares at me through narrowed eyes. I can hardly draw air. My whole body feels tight and wired as I wait for him to respond to my words.

I expect his rage, so when he crosses the room towards me I come to my feet, ready to fight. It’s self-preservation more than anything, a primal need to defend myself.

He stands in front of me, his dark eyes boring into mine, looking at me as if he can’t believe my defiance. Probably he can’t. I’ve always been the obedient servant.

Not anymore.

He grabs my arm in a bruising hold that makes me whimper. “You will do as you are told.”

I peer up at him, seeing the monster in the forefront of his eyes. “You force me to do this, and I will tell the world you killed my mother.”

It’s a flame to a spark.

His hand wraps around my throat. The movement is so quick I barely register it until the air is cut off. My lungs stutter and my heart rate picks up its pace as I try to breathe.

Spittle collects at the corners of Declan’s mouth, and his eyes are so wide I can see white encircling the irises completely. Terror climbs up my spine as he pushes me back onto the sofa. I go down hard as he comes down on top of me. His weight is so heavy it feels like a rock is sitting on my stomach.

I can’t move and he hasn’t released the pressure on my throat. I’m starting to feel weak, light-headed, even. Dark spots spill across my vision as I claw desperately at his hands wrapped around my neck.

Panic starts to infuse my body as I realise he is killing me. I am moments from death. My lungs burn now from lack of oxygen and my throat is raw. I desperately try to breathe, but nothing moves past his hands.

As I start to weaken, Luke drifts across my thoughts. I didn’t think my life would be long or happy. I didn’t expect to be taken out like this—the man who I called father most of my life squeezing the life out of me in the living room of the house I grew up in.

I stop fighting. My limbs are no longer cooperating anyway. I meet Declan’s eyes and I make my peace with my end.