“Does this organization have a name?”

“If it does, I am not aware of it.” Orsati looked down at the photographs. “The more important question is, who might have retained the services of this organization to kill you?”

“The leader of a sophisticated forgery network.”


Gabriel nodded.

“He must be making a great deal of money.”

“Thirty-four million euros from the Louvre alone.”

“Perhaps I’m in the wrong line of work.”

“I’ve often thought the same about myself, Don Orsati.”

“Whatisyour business these days?” he asked.

“I’m the director of the paintings department at the Tiepolo Restoration Company.” Gabriel paused. “Currently on loan to the Police Nationale.”

“A complicating factor, to say the least.” Orsati made a face. “But please tell me how I can be of assistance to you and your friends from the French police.”

“I’d like you to find the man in those photographs.”

“And if I can?”

“I’ll ask him a simple question.”

“The name of the man who hired him to kill you?”

“You know what they say about assassinations, Don Orsati. The important thing is not who fired the shot but who paid for the bullet.”

“Who was it who said that?” asked the don, intrigued.

“Eric Ambler.”

“Wise words indeed. But in all likelihood, the man who tried to kill you in Paris doesn’t know the client’s name.”

“Perhaps not, but he’ll certainly be able to point me in the right direction. If nothing else he can provide valuable information on your competitor.” Gabriel lowered his voice. “I would think that would be of interest to you, Don Orsati.”

“One hand washes the other, and both hands wash the face.”

“A very old Jewish proverb.”

The don gave a dismissive wave of his enormous hand. “I’ll put these photographs into circulation first thing in the morning. In the meantime, you and Christopher can spend a few days relaxing here on the island.”

“Nothing like going on holiday with a man who once tried to kill you.”

“If Christopher had actuallytriedto kill you, you would be dead.”

“Just like the man who paid for the bullet,” remarked Gabriel.

“Did Eric Ambler really say that about assassinations?”

“It’s a line fromA Coffin for Dimitrios.”

“Interesting,” said the don. “I never knew that Ambler was Corsican.”