“They’ve had their ups and downs.”

“I’d like to have a word with her about this as soon as possible.”

“We’re hoping to spend a week or two on the island this summer.”

“He who lives on hope dies on shit.”

“How eloquent, Don Orsati.”

“Our proverbs,” he said gravely, “are sacred and correct.”

“And there’s one for every occasion.”

Don Orsati laid a granite hand gently upon Christopher’s cheek. “Only the spoon knows the pot’s sorrows.”

“Mistakes are made even by priests at the altar.”

“Better to have little than nothing.”

“But he who has nothing will not eat.”

“Shall we?” asked Don Orsati.

“Perhaps we should discuss our mutual friend’s problem first,” suggested Christopher.

“This business with the art gallery in Paris?”


“Is it true your beautiful American wife was involved?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“In that case,” said Don Orsati, “you have a problem, too.”