“On what?”

“How you answer my next question.”

“You want to know what really happened to my face?”

Gabriel nodded. “The truth this time, Julian.”

“I was attacked by a lamppost.”

“Another one?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Please tell me it was a foggy night in London.”

“Actually, it was yesterday afternoon in Bordeaux. I went there at the invitation of a woman named Valerie Bérrangar. She said she wanted to tell me something about a painting I sold not long ago.”

“Not the Van Dyck?”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

“Is there a problem?”

“I wouldn’t know. You see, Madame Bérrangar died in an automobile accident on the way to our meeting.”

“And the incident involving the lamppost?” asked Gabriel.

“Two men on a motorcycle tried to steal my briefcase as I was walking back to my hotel. At least I think that’s what they were doing. For all I know,” said Julian, “they were trying to kill me, too.”