“I’d be happy to contact my French counterpart. His name is Jacques Ménard. He dislikes me only a little.”

“Signore Isherwood has no wish to involve the police in this matter.”

“And why is that?”

“An allergy, I suppose.”

“A common affliction among art dealers and collectors. Unless one of their precious paintings goes missing, of course. Then we’re suddenly quite popular.” The general offered an approximation of a smile. “I assume that you intend to start with the daughter.”

“If she’ll agree to see me.”

“Who could possibly resist the opportunity to meet with the great Gabriel Allon?”

“A woman who is mourning the death of her mother.”

“What about the dealer in Paris?”

“Julian swears he’s reputable.”

“If you like, I can run his name through our database and see if anything turns up.”

“I have contacts of my own in the Paris art trade.”

“The dirty side of the trade, as I recall.” General Ferrari expelled a lungful of air. “Which returns us to the topic of young Capitano Rossetti.”

“Perhaps I should speak to him.”

“I can assure you, Rossetti has no wish to see you. If the truth be told, he’s rather embarrassed by the way things turned out last night. After all, youarehalf his size.”

“And twice his age.”

“That, too.”

Gabriel checked the time.

“Going somewhere?” inquired the general.

“The airport, I hope.”

“A Carabinieri patrol boat will collect you at San Tomà at ten o’clock.”

“Ten is cutting it rather close, don’t you think?”

“A representative from Alitalia will escort you through security and directly onto the plane. And don’t worry about Chiara and the children,” the general added as he ordered two morecappuccini. “We’ll keep an eye on them while you’re away.”