“We both do.” Phillip released his death grip on the armrest. “It leaves from MacArthur at ten fifteen.”

“Bound for where?”


“I know I’m not as smart as you are, Phillip, but I’m fairly certain Miami is part of the United States.”

“It’s only the first stop.”

“And after Miami?”

“A beautiful home overlooking the ocean in Ecuador.”

“I thought rich criminals like you and Bobby Axelrod went to Switzerland to avoid arrest.”

“Only in the movies, Lindsay. We’ll have new identities and plenty of money. No one will ever find us.”

She laughed bitterly. “I’m not going anywhere with you, Phillip.”

“Do you know what will happen if you stay behind? The minute the fund collapses, the FBI will seize the houses and the paintings and freeze all the bank accounts. You’ll be an outcast. Your life will be ruined. And no one will ever believe that you didn’t know your husband was a criminal.”

“They will if I turn you in.”

Phillip unplugged Lindsay’s phone from its charger and slipped it into his coat pocket.

“Surely you didn’t do this all on your own,” she said.

“Kenny Vaughan was the one who made the numbers work.”

“What about Magdalena?”

“She ran sales and distribution.”

“Where is she now?”

“On her way to the Thirty-Fourth Street Heliport.”

Lindsay pressed the accelerator to the floor.

“If you don’t slow down,” said Phillip, “you’re going to kill someone.”

“Maybe I’ll killyou.”

“Not if I kill you first, Lindsay.”