“She’s that reporter fromVanity Fair.”

“Has she been in Ms. Navarro’s suite?”

“I believe she’s there now.”

“Thanks, Ray. The check’s in the mail.”

The connection died.

Bennett looked at the two names on his computer screen. One of them was familiar.Gabriel Allon...Bennett was certain he had seen it before. But where?

Google gave him the answer.

“Shit,” he said softly.

Outside, Leonard Silk slid into the back of his Escalade and dialed the burner phone he had given to Phillip.

“Did you speak to her?” he asked.

“I couldn’t. She’s rather busy at the moment.”

“Doing what?”

“Telling Evelyn Buchanan everything she knows about MasterpieceArt Ventures. Gabriel Allon and your friend Sarah Bancroft are with her. It’s over, Phillip. Your charter leaves MacArthur at ten fifteen. Don’t be late.”

“Maybe I should take the Gulfstream instead.”

“The point of this operation is to get you and Lindsay out of the country without leaving any footprints. When you arrive in Miami, a car will run you down to Key West. By the time the sun rises, you’ll be halfway to the Yucatán Peninsula.”

“What about you, Leonard?”

“That depends on whether you ever mentioned my name to your friend from Seville.”

“Don’t worry, she can’t implicate you in anything.”

Silk heard a chorus of car horns through the phone. “Why aren’t you on the chopper yet?”

“Second Avenue is jammed.”

“You won’t have to worry about traffic where you’re going.”

Silk hung up the phone and lifted his gaze toward the upper floors of the hotel.She can’t implicate you...Perhaps not, but Silk wasn’t prepared to take that chance.

He rang Ray Bennett.

“I have another assignment, if you’re interested.”

“I’m listening.”

Silk explained.

“How much?” asked Bennett.

“Fifty thousand.”

“To go up against a man like Gabriel Allon? Get real, Leonard.”

“How about seventy-five?”

“A hundred.”

“Done,” said Silk.