“You work forme, Leonard.”

“Which is not something I’d like the FBI to know. Or Gabriel Allon, for that matter. Therefore, you will do exactly what I tell you to do.”

Phillip managed a smile. “Did you just threaten me?”

“Only amateurs make threats. And I’m no amateur.”

Phillip lowered himself into his chair.

“Where is she staying?” asked Silk.

“Her usual suite at the Pierre.”

“I think I’ll check in on her. In the meantime, I’d like you to go upstairs and pack a bag.”

“Where am I going?”

“To be determined.”

“If I leave the country now—”

“Your remaining investors will head for the lifeboats, and your fund will collapse within hours. The question is, do you want to be in New York when that happens? Or would you rather be lying on a beach with Lindsay?”

Phillip gave no answer.

“How much cash is on hand?” asked Silk.

“Not much.”

“In that case, now might be a good time for you to settle your bill with Integrity Security Solutions.” Silk handed over a phone. “Your outstanding balance is fifteen million.”

“Rather steep, don’t you think?”

“Now is not the time to quibble over money, Phillip. I’m the only thing standing between you and a cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center.”

Phillip dialed Kenny Vaughn and instructed him to wire $15 million into Silk’s account at Oceanic Bank and Trust Ltd. in Nassau. “I know, Kenny. Just do whatever you need to do.”

Phillip killed the call and tried to return the phone.

“Keep it,” said Silk. “Leave your personal phone on the desk connected to a charger and go to your place on the island. Don’t make a move until you hear from me.”