They dressed and walked up the stairs, hands joined between them, Nick giddy but trying to tamp it down as best he could. Everything seemed different, funnier. Lighter, somehow. He marveled at Seth’s fingers between his own, the way Seth kept glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, blushing but doing nothing to hide it. He had to stop himself from rushing up the stairs and going outside, shouting to the world that he’d gottenlaid.

He wasn’t stupid. He knew what still lay ahead, but he allowed himself this brief moment in time where he felt happy. Whole. Powerful. And Seth seemed to feel the same, holding the basement door open for Nick, bowing low to let him walk through first. “After you.”

“My hero,” Nick said, batting his eyes.

Seth swatted his ass, a quick slap before squeezing. Later, Nick reminded himself. There was so much more that they could do, and he was going to make sure they did all of it.

Thankfully, he managed to keep this to himself, especially when he saw Gibby and Jazz in the kitchen, seated at the table, both of them with shit-eating grins on their faces.

He waited until Seth had sat down on an empty chair, pulling Nick down onto his lap. It was a little awkward, but Nick didn’t want to be anywhere else. Once settled, he set his backpack on the table as he glared at Gibby and Jazz. “Not a word,” he warned them. “What just happened was a beautiful thing, and I won’t have you ruining it by asking for details.”

“We won’t,” Gibby assured him. “There nothing I want to know less than what you—”

“I can do blow jobs!” Nick said, pumping his fists in the air.

Seth groaned, burying his face in Nick’s side.

Nick blanched. “Oh, my bad. Don’t want to hog all the credit. Seth can do blow jobs, too. But! There’s no need to be jealous. I know you don’t like penises, so I don’t want you to think you’re missing out on anything.”

Gibby got that look on her face, the evil one where Nick knew she was going to say something that would devastate him physically and emotionally. “Go down on a girl, and then get back to me. We’ll see who’s really missing out.” She high-fived Jazz without looking at her.

“Oh no,” Nick whispered fervently. “My good feelings.”

“You earned that,” Seth said, hooking his chin over Nick’s shoulder and looking at their girls. “Ignore him. You know how he gets.”

Nick scoffed. “What? It’strue.” Then, because he wasn’t a complete asshole, he added, “I’m sure going down on a girl is… not for me, but you do you.”

“Gee, thanks,” Jazz said. “It’s good to have your support, especially since Gibby is a pro with her mouth and fingers. Can’t let talent like that go to waste.”

Yeah, he was going to leave that one alone. “What are you guys doing here?” Nick looked around, nerves prickling. “Are Martha and Bob gone? Oh shit. Please tell me they left before…”

Seth choked and started coughing.

“They did,” Gibby said. “They let us in through the back before they left. Told us you two were talking and that you’d be up when you were done.”

“Talking,” Nick said. “With ourpenises.Okay. I’ve gotten it all out of my system now.”

“Finally,” Gibby muttered. “Jazz said you were coming over here. We texted but didn’t hear back, so we wanted to make sure you guys were good.” She made a face. “If I’d known what you were doing, I’d have stayed far, far away.”

“Sorry,” Seth said. “Phone’s upstairs. Didn’t think to bring it down to the basement with me.”

Nick glanced at his backpack, feeling a little guilty. “We didn’t mean to worry you.”

Gibby nodded. “It’s all right. With everything that’s happened, it scared me a little when we didn’t hear back.” She eyed Nick up and down. “You okay? And I’m not asking about anything you just did with Seth, so get that out of your head right now, Nick. We haven’t had a chance to really talk in the last couple of days.”

“I don’t know,” Nick admitted. “I talked with Dad. He’s… dealing with it as best he can.”

Jazz reached over and patted his shin. “And what about you?”

He leaned against Seth, grateful when he wrapped his arms around Nick’s stomach, grounding him. “I’m pissed off. And sad. And a bunch of other things all at once. I don’t know that I’ve processed any of it yet.” He looked down at Seth’s hands. “I don’t even know how to start.”

Gibby and Jazz exchanged a glance before looking at him again. “We can’t imagine what that’s like,” Gibby said quietly. “Mom and Dad are furious. I am, too, but that doesn’t compare to what you and your dad must be feeling right now.”

“Same with mine,” Jazz said. “Mom had to stop Dad from marching down to Burke Tower and confronting him head-on.”

“You saw the interview they did?” Nick asked bitterly. They nodded. “Always spinning things in their favor, and everyone falls for it again and again. How the hell are we supposed to stop them if no one will believe us?”