Nick handed a sandwich over to Seth after checking it wasn’t Gibby’s. Seth took it with a quiet “Thank you” before setting it down at his side, lying on his back, arms folded behind his head. His shirt pulled up a little, revealing a pale, toned stomach with curly hairs around his belly button.

“Want,” Nick whispered.

“What was that?” Jazz asked.

Nick startled, looking up guiltily. “Uh, nothing? Just thinking some thoughts that probably shouldn’t be said out loud since we’re in public.”

“He’s perving on his boyfriend,” Gibby said without opening her eyes.

“I’mallowed,” Nick said. “It’s not my fault that Seth is freaking hot.”

“I am,” Seth said. “Not even going to apologize for it.” Making sure Nick was watching, Seth trailed a hand over his stomach, and it was all Nick could do to avoid breaking public indecency laws like his father had warned him about.

“So unfair,” Nick groused. Trying to get himself under control, he tore his gaze away and looked at Jazz. “How’re the essays coming along?”

“Pretty good,” Jazz said, reaching into the basket and pulling out a damp bag of grapes. She set it beside her before plucking one out and feeding it to Gibby, who nipped at her fingers playfully before chewing. “Gibby’s helping.”

“Could you help me, too?” Nick asked through a mouthful of roast beef and spicy mustard. “I thought I was getting the hang of it, but apparently, I’m too modest and don’t know how to talk myself up.”

“Yeah,” Gibby said dryly, “I doubt that’s the problem you’re having. But sure, let me know when you want to work on it, and we can meet up.”

Relieved, Nick said, “Are you excited about starting in the fall?”

Gibby opened her eyes, squinting against the sun in her face. She turned over in Jazz’s lap so she faced Nick. “Honestly, Ididn’t think I would be, but I am. A little nervous.” She paused. “Okay, maybemorethan a little, but I can handle it.”

“Why are you nervous?” Seth asked, turning around and facing them, shoes lying discarded in the grass.

She shrugged. “It’s feels like a big step. And for one of the first times, I’ll be answering only to myself.”

“You don’t have to,” Nick said. “We’re gonna be there. We’ll always have your back.”

“I know, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Iwantto be responsible for myself. I want to make my own decisions, even if they don’t work out like I hope. This isn’t about Lighthouse or being an Extraordinary. It’s about doing something for me, and what that means for my future.”

“It can be whatever you want it to be,” Jazz said, touching her forehead.

“Of course it can,” Seth said, shooting Nick a warning look as if he thought Nick would push back at Gibby doing things on her own. Which, fair, because Nick was thinkingexactlythat, but he’d made a promise to listen to his friends, and he was going to keep it.

“Hell yeah, it can,” Nick said. “Be nervous, Gibby. That’s cool because you’re right. Itisa big step. You’ve got this. And if you need anything, all you need to do is ask.”

Gibby smiled. “Thanks, guys. I knew you’d get it.”

“How’re your parents?” Seth asked. “They coming around?”

“Mostly. Mom got there first, but Dad’s catching up. He still thought Howard was the best way to go, but after we toured the campus, he seems to be getting on board. He was more excited than I was. The tour guide couldn’t keep up with all his questions.” She hesitated. Then, “It probably helps that I told him I think I’ve decided what I want to do.”

Nick swallowed, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. “Really? Holy crap, Gibby. That’s awesome. What did you decide?”

She said, “I think I want to go into civil-rights law. Maybe. Become an attorney. Help people whose voices need to be raisedup. It’s going to take a lot of work, but NCU has a great pre-law program and I’d be able to stay here.”

“If there’s anyone who can do it, it’s you,” Jazz said proudly, pressing her fingers to her lips before doing the same to Gibby.

“We’re going to miss you,” Seth said, unwrapping his own sandwich. “It’s going to be weird without you next year.” He frowned. “If I even get to go back, that is.”

Close to breaking Jazz’s rules, what with the reason Seth might not be at Centennial High for their senior year. But it was Jazz who said, “When are they supposed to decide?”

“There’s supposed to be another board meeting in July or August. I’ll know more then.”

“And we’ll be right there with you,” Nick said. “We’ll make signs and wear shirts with your face on them. I bet our parents will do the same.”