“She,” someone else corrected him. “Just because we despise them doesn’t mean we can’t respect their pronouns. Don’t be a dick, Ernie. It’s not a good look.”

“Sorry. Sorry, everyone! I got caught up in the heat of the moment, but that’s no excuse. I will take what I’ve learned today and try to be a better person.She’sthreatening an old woman! Get them!”

“Getout of here,” Chris snapped at them as he moved in front of the surging crowd, waving at the cops to help him.

Someone grabbed Guardian’s arm, jerking him back. He looked over his shoulder to see Gibby trying to pull him away. “We have togo,” she said. “We can’t stay here!”

Guardian tried to pull his arm out of her grasp. He knew she was right; live to fight another day and blah, blah, blah, but part of him—a dark, dangerously strong part—wanted to raise his hands toward Burke. To use his remarkable powers to lift Burke off the stage, to watch him as he begged for his life, as he choked, face turning purple. Eyes bulging. It wouldn’t take much. He could do it. He knew he could. And if he did, it’d be over, finally, at last, consequences be damned. Burke could never hurt anyone again.

We don’t kill,Dad whispered in his head.

He crashed back down to reality when Seth crowded against his back, urging him forward. “No, Nicky,” Seth breathed in his ear, grunting as somethingwetslapped against his back. “It’s not worth it.He’snot worth it. Don’t give him an excuse. It’s what he wants. Hewantsyou to lose control. Don’t let him win.”

Dazed, he let himself be pulled away, pushing through the people grabbing at them, their eyes feral, teeth bared.

“Miss Conduct!” Seth bawled over his shoulder.“Move.”

Guardian shot a look back over his shoulder and saw MissConduct staring up at Burke. “We’re trying toprotectyour stupid ass. What the hell is wrong with you?”

Burke looked on either side of him, where the cops stood, guns still drawn. “Does it look like I need your protection? I have the good men and women of the NCPD on my side. Nova City is no place for vigilante justice.”

“Get out of here,” Chris snarled, eyes ablaze.“Now.”

Miss Conduct looked unsure, but Gibby hurried back toward her, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her along.

“That’s it,” Guardian heard Burke say as they retreated, voice booming. “Run. Run as fast as you can. People of this city: you have my solemn promise that if elected your mayor, I will put an end to the Extraordinary menace once and for all.”

The crowd roared their approval as Guardian and his friends ran away.