Guardian smiled despite himself. “Yeah, yeah, I love you guys, too. It’s not over yet. We have to stop Owen. He took more of the pills. I don’t know how strong he is, but we need to get to him before he hurts anyone.”

“On it,” Jazz said, all business even as Gibby continued to mutter about the ridiculousness of boys. “Where do you think he’s going?”

“I don’t…” He groaned. “Never mind. Idoknow where because he’s an idiot and thinks this should come full circle.”

“What do you mean?” Pyro Storm asked as Burke shouted he was beingframed,it wasn’t what it looked like,get yourhands off me, do you have any idea who I am?“Where would he—McManus Bridge.”

Guardian nodded. He shot up off the stage, rocketing through the air as if it were the easiest thing in the world. Laughing joyously, he glanced back down in time to see fire spreading underneath Pyro Storm’s feet before he, too, rose from the stage.

They flew up the side of Burke Tower, spinning around each other, a double helix of fire and air in their wake. “You’reflying!” Pyro Storm cried.

Twisting his body, Guardian thrust his feet against the side of the building. With all his might, he pushedoffit, glass shattering, metal shrieking as he flew across the sky, heading toward McManus Bridge, Pyro Storm close at his heels, a trail of fire streaking behind them.