“I don’t pay you to think. I pay you to do what I say when I say it.”

Nick nodded sagely. “Bribing the police chief. Got it.” He raised his hands when they looked at him. “Don’t mind me. Just taking notes. Some feedback, though, Chief. You’re not half the man Cap is and it shows, you spineless coward.”

“Get on the stage, Chief,” Burke growled. “Give the speech of your goddamn life and trust me when I say I have eyes and ears in places you can’t even begin to imagine. I’ll know every word you say.”

“That certainly sounded ominous,” Nick said. “Threatening the chief of police. Man, you’re really going all out, aren’t you?Veryinteresting. I wonder what everyone else would think of that?”

“No one gets in,” Burke said to one of the security guards. “And search the crowd. There will be others. You have their pictures. Find them. Detain them.”

The security guard nodded. “Understood, sir.”

“Anthony,” Burke said. “Let’s bring our guests inside, shall we? The moment any of them act out, you have my permission to deal with the offender as you see fit.”

Anthony popped his knuckles. “Got it, boss.”

“We’re in,” Gibby whispered through the mic in Nick’s ear as he was shoved toward the waiting doors of Burke Tower. “Pyro Storm is ready. Cap is heading to Matilda. Watch your back, Nicky. This is almost over.”

In that, she was wrong.