With that, Owen spun on his heels, whistling brightly as he headed down the sidewalk.

Without thinking, Nick called after him, “What medicine was your dad supposed to give you?”

Owen didn’t look back.

Nick watched as he disappeared into Nova City.

There was a text from his dad as he headed toward the cafeteria.Got an email from the school. You late today?

Nick groaned. Of course he already got told on.yeah alarm didn’t go off my bad only missed 20 mins of 1st period

A moment later:We talked about this Nick.

yeah just an accident sorry won’t happen again

See that it doesn’t. Love you.

u too

His dad was disappointed. Nick could tell even through those few short words, and he hated it. Sure, he’d been up late the night before researching what his next steps should be on his journey to become an Extraordinary, but still. It wasn’t going to be like last year. Dad had tried to put it all on Owen in the end, telling him that Owen was a bad influence, but Nick hadn’t let him. Nick had made his own decisions, however bad they might have been. Owen had been more than a willing participant, but it wasn’t like he’d pressured Nick into anything.

Dad had called earlier today, apologizing for waking him, telling him he was going to be late, and he’d sounded tired. He’d been almost short with Nick, telling him to go back to sleep before hanging up. He hadn’t said why he was going to be late, if it was overtime or if it was because something had happened that he couldn’t get away from. The life of a cop was unpredictable, especially when it came to the hours. If something happened right before they got off shift, they had to stay until they could be relieved.

It hadn’t helped that Dad had been demoted. Nick knew what that meant. Going from detective back to beat cop was a harsh pay cut along with the bruised ego. There’d been insurance money and a payout from the Nova City Victims’ Fund for what happened in the After, but Dad put all that money away for Nick, telling him it was for a future he deserved.

His dad worked hard. That much was clear.

So ofcourseNick wanted to become an Extraordinary. Yes, it would mean getting to team up with Shadow Star and most likely falling in love and having a superhero-themed wedding with cake that had yellow frosting, but it also meant he could potentially keep the city safer.

And doing that meant hisdadwould be safer.

He wouldn’t have to worry as much, and Cap would see just how good of a cop Dad was and make him detective again, something his dad had loved with everything he had.

Plus, that would be extremely altruistic of Nick, which meant Shadow Star would see how selfless he was and then they could go on a date before the whole rest-of-their-lives thing.

So when Nick got to their table in the cafeteria, his friends looked up at him, and he said, “Phase Two is a go. I repeat, Phase Two is a go.” And he feltgoodabout it. Following fickle whims could sometimes turn out okay. Nick believed that with all his heart.

Jazz smiled.

Gibby shrugged.

Seth sighed.

Nick made a mental note to have them work on their reactions to his good ideas. After all, an Extraordinary was only as good as the people who supported him. And since these were his people, they needed to be at their best.

“What am I looking for again?” Seth asked the following Wednesday afternoon. They sat in the library at the school, homework spread out and forgotten in front of them, waiting for Jazz to get done with cheerleading practice. Gibby had declined the offer to join them, telling Nick she’d rather sit in the bleachers and watch her girlfriend. Nick was sure thatwatchmeantleer,so he hadn’t pushed her on it.

“Meteors,” Nick told him, scrolling the screen on his laptop. “We need to find out what the chances of the next one falling near Nova City will be. I feel like it should occur on a regular basis because space has a lot of rocks in it, and Nova City is really big.”

“Your logic is undeniable,” Seth said. “I don’t know how anyone can argue with you based on rational fact.”

“Right? Yet people still try. It’s weird. It’s like they don’t understand anything I’m saying. It’s why I have you. You get me better than anyone else. You’re a Nick Whisperer.”

Seth coughed roughly.

Nick looked over his laptop at Seth, who was blushing furiously as he swiped his thumb over his phone. “You okay?”

Seth nodded. “Just swallowed a bug.”