Owen leaned forward on the table, and that sharp smile was back as he stared at Nick. “Really? You don’t say. Shadow Star. How fortuitous that he happened to be there at that exact moment.”

“It wasn’t a big deal,” Nick said, glancing away. “Just, you know. I got his autograph, or whatever.”

Owen threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, Nicky. Never change. I’m sure it was painfully awkward and so, so sweet. But why in the hell would you want to be an Extraordinary? It seems like such a big responsibility.” He reached out and traced his finger along the back of Nick’s hand. “Think you could handle it?”

Nick pulled his hand away. “I’d be good at it.”

Owen sighed. “Right. I bet you would. But still. Being an Extraordinary is so yesterday. I can’t imagine anything more boring. Oooh, superpowers. People expecting you to do something for them all the time. It’d be aggravating.”

“Not everyone is a jerk like you,” Seth said coldly.

“Eh,” Owen said. “I can think of about a billion things to do with my time that would be better.” He glanced at Nick. “But that’s what you want, huh?”

“Well… um. Yes?”

Owen reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. On anyone else, Nick would think it a nervous gesture. But on Owen, it seemed practiced, as if heknewhow it was supposed to look, bicep flexing, looking up at Nick from under his eyelashes. He wondered how many people had fallen for it. Hell,he’dfallen for it. And sometimes, maybe he still did. He was a teenage boy, after all, and Owen had big arms and at least three abdominal muscles. Of course he fell for it. “If that’s what you want, I suppose I can do what I can to help you—”

“No,” Seth said suddenly, making Nick jump. “You don’t need to do that. Because I already decidedI’mgoing to help him.”

“And me,” Gibby said.

Everyone looked at Jazz.

She had a mouthful of quinoa tabbouleh.

Gibby elbowed her in the side.

“Oh,” Jazz said, a piece of avocado falling from her mouth. “And me.”

“So, you see,” Seth said smugly, “Nick doesn’t need your help. We’ve got it covered.”

“Wow,” Nick breathed. “My heart is so full. It’s like my birthday except better.”

Owen rolled his eyes. “Right, well. Good luck with that. Nicky,if you really want to find out how to become an Extraordinary, you come find me. I’ll show you things these guys won’t even begin to tell you.”

And with that, he got up and walked away. Nick had to admit it was a pretty epic exit.

It didn’t hurt that Owen looked pretty okay in those jeans.

But Nick didn’t have time to think about that now. He hadsupport.

“Okay!” he said, grinning so wide, his face hurt. “Operation Turn Nick into an Extraordinary and Live Happily Ever After with Shadow Star in a Villa Off the Coast of Italy Where We Feed Each Other Grapes by Hand is underway!” He paused, considering. “I might need to work on the name of the operation, but you get the idea. Let’s do this thing!”

The bell rang.

“After school gets out,” Nick said hastily. “Because education is important, and my dad will murder me if I don’t get at least a B average. I have to go. My class is on the opposite end of campus. Bye!”