Above him.

Nick lifted his head.

The pieces of the bridge that had collapsed around him hung suspended in the air, swirling in a lazy circle.

“Huh,” Nick said, squinting up at the pieces of the metal floating over him. “That’s… I don’t know what that is.”


He looked ahead.

Dad was there. Cap was trying to hold him back, but it was a losing battle.

Nick started to run toward him.

Dad broke free of Cap and stumbled forward, arm going around his stomach, a grimace on his face. Nick’s Chucks slapped against the pavement and he was almost there when his dad’s eyes widened. “Nick!” he screamed.

Nick looked up. The debris that had been floating in the air was starting to vibrate. Nick felt his heart hammer in his chest when the first piece fell, slamming onto the roadway, cracking the asphalt.

The rest of it came raining down around him. Nick raised his arms over his head as if it would be enough to protect him from thousands of pounds of steel. He zigzagged as a strut slammed into the road, bouncing off toward the guardrails, making the road shake under his feet.

He didn’t stop moving until he felt his dad’s hands on hisshoulders, telling him it was all right, that everything would be all right, that he was safe now, that he was safe, and by god, he was going to be grounded for the rest of his life, what the hell was hethinking?

Nick laughed, blinking away the burn in his eyes, chin resting on Dad’s shoulder. “Okay,” he managed to say. “I’m okay with that.” His arm was hurting where it was pressed against his dad, but he didn’t care. They were all right. They were—


The cops around them shouted in warning.

Nick whirled around.

Shadow Star stood on the bridge where Nick had landed. His costume had been burned away on his right shoulder and left leg. He was breathing heavily, head bowed, blood dripping from his mouth. Behind him, cops pulled their guns, pointing them at Shadow Star, shouting at him tostand down, now!They hid behind their cruisers, some near the trunks, others behind open doors.

Their light bars were lit up, red and blue spinning.

Much like the lights on the cruisers behind Nick.

The spotlight from the helicopter was directly on him while it hovered overhead.

The shadows danced around the debris in the roadway.

Shadow Star lifted his head and looked directly at Nick. He grinned wickedly. His teeth were bloodied. Part of his helmet had broken off, and a single eye was visible. It was wide and crazed. “Well,” he said, panting. “This has certainly been exciting.”

“I am ordering you to stand down,” Cap barked into the megaphone.

Owen shook his head. “Already taken it this far, haven’t I?”

Dad tried to drag Nick back toward the line of officers, but Nick pulled away. “Nick,no. We gotta go.”

Nick looked over his shoulder, smiling tightly. “Dad, I know—it’s Owen. I can get through to him.”

Dad frowned. “Owen.” Then, “OwenBurke? Nick, what the hell?”

Nick turned back toward Owen. He raised his voice and said, “It’s over, Owen. No one else needs to get hurt.”

“Nova City ismine. I won’t let anyone take it from me.”

Nick groaned. “Man, that shtick gets old real fast. You have to know how ridiculous you sound. Legit, man. Take the high road.”