“You and Owen seemed rather chummy yesterday.”

“Chummy,” Nick repeated.

“Hey,” Seth said, coming up from behind them. He was wearing a bow tie with koala bears on it. Nick wanted to put him in his pocket and keep him forever.

“Hi,” Nick said, blushing and looking down at his beat-up Chucks.

“Hello,” Seth said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Aw,” Jazz cooed.

“Oh my god,” Gibby muttered. “This is excruciating to watch.”

Owen wasn’t at lunch.

Nick thought about asking after him, but then Seth appeared, and he blushed again.

He also thought about trying to hold Seth’s hand under the table.

He couldn’t work up the courage.

Seth pressed his foot against Nick’s.

Nick thought he might burst into flames.

He took another selfie when he got home. This time, he scrunched up his face and stuck out his tongue.

Cute, Dad wrote back.Though I’m probably the only one who thinks so.


Do your homework, kid. There’s a casserole in the fridge from Cap’s wife.

Is it edible?

No. Make a sandwich instead.

He finished his homework early.

He thought about writing more of his fanfiction.

For the first time in a long time, he found himself not caring about it at all.

Would he turn into one of those evil people that abandoned their stories and offered no resolution even though people wanted nothing more?

God, he hoped not.

It was raining when he woke up Wednesday morning. The sky was dark through the window in his room. The clouds looked heavy.

The house was quiet.

He blinked up at the ceiling before turning his head to look at the clock on his desk.

His alarm was about to go off.

Why was the house silent?

He should have heard his dad moving down in the kitchen.