“Are you still a virgin?” Nick demanded rather hysterically. “We were supposed to tell each other when we had sex for the first time. We promised.”
Seth blinked at him, eyes wide behind his glasses. “I didn’t have sex. What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know,” Nick admitted. “You’re as tall as me and it’s freaking me out.”
“I can’t control that!”
“Well,try. I’m supposed to be the statuesque one here. It’s all I’ve got going for me, Gray. You know this. That and my uncanny ability to tell heart-wrenching love stories based on real people, which is probably borderline unhealthy.” Speaking of stories. “Did you see that evil wench on the news this morning? God, she was practically salivating over Shadow Star. Someone should tell him he needs to get a restraining order against her.”
Seth sighed. “I doubt there’s anything going on between Shadow Star and Rebecca Firestone.”
“I know that. You know that. We all know that. But does she? Because I don’t know if she does. She wore extra lipstick today like she thought it was going to make her look more attractive. Just because Superman has Lois Lane doesn’t mean Rebecca Firestone gets to play the plucky reporter who needs to be saved all the time. And besides, everyone knows Superman is in love with Batman. Even thoughsomeonedecided their ship name should be SuperBatrather than the golden opportunity that is ManMan. I mean, come on! How iconic would ManMan be? SuperBat sounds like something found in a dirty cave underneath a swamp.” Nick frowned. “What are we talking about?”
“Honestly? I have no idea. You were on Shadow Star, and then Firestone—”
“Right. Firestone. She gets all these exclusives with Shadow Star, though no one knows why.”
“Let me guess. You have a new theory.”
“You’re damn right I do!” Nick crowed. “And this one could totally be true.” He dodged what looked like a wedding party, who apparently decided that standing in the middle of the sidewalk for photos on a Monday morning was the right thing to do. He groaned as he stepped in a puddle filled with dirty water. The would-be bride glared at him. He wished her many happy returns. She wasn’t pleased.
Seth pulled him along before a woman in a white dress and veil decked him. “Unlike the last one where you thought she was Pyro Storm, even though Pyro Storm is obviously a guy. Speaking of Pyro Storm, I think we need to talk about your descriptions of him—”
“No, but this theory is most likely probably true,” Nick said. “What if she knows his secret identity and is, like, holding that over him? That would explain why he talks to her and tells her stuff. Because she’sblackmailinghim.”
“I don’t have any. I’m postulating. I’ll figure it out eventually. It’s only a matter of time.”
Seth seemed dubious. “How’re you going to do that?”
“I have no idea. But I’ll come up with a plan. You’ll see. It’ll be epic.”
Seth sighed. “Every time you say that, my palms get sweaty. Can’t you just let this go?”
Nick stared at him suspiciously. “Why? Do you… do you like her?” It was the most terrible of thoughts. Nick had never felt so betrayed in his life.
“What? No.”
“Because if you did, I would support your feelings toward her.” This was a lie, and one that Nick didn’t feel bad about.
“That would have been more believable had you not said it through gritted teeth. No. I don’t like her. I don’t even know her.”
“Oh, thank god,” Nick said. “Because I don’t know if I’d be able to survive something so awful. You deserve someone who isn’t an Extraordinary groupie.”
“I feel like the irony is lost on you.”
“About what?”
Seth shook his head. “Never mind. Maybe you shouldn’t try and plan anything. Focus on school. That kind of stuff. I can help you—”
“You sound like my dad.”
“Well, you did promise him. And junior year is going to be hard enough as it is. Wouldn’t it be easier just to follow the rules and have everything be nice and peaceful and calm?”
Why, yes, yes it would. But… “Calm makes me twitchy.”
Seth’s face softened. “I know. And twitchy, somehow, always leads to calamity.”