“I hid this from you. I’m sorry for the deception. It hasn’t been easy, and I’m glad you know now. For youandJames are very important to me.”

Seeing David’s furious bewilderment, she proceeded anyway. “David, you’ve been nothing but generous to me as a brother. Understanding when I didn’t wish to marry. Funding my household. I’m so grateful. And I must ask for more now—for your blessing.”

He blinked. “Nowyou ask me? For my blessing? After the betrayal?”

Frustrated, Clara stomped her foot, and she knew a moment of greedy pleasure when her brother looked shocked. “David, this isn’t aboutyou!I didn’t do thisto you!This is about me, don’t you understand?”

He took in a breath, looking more tired.

Knowing it could be fruitless, Clara sought anyway to bring him along. “You’re commercial rivals, not blood enemies! Has it escaped your attention how much you have in common? Do you know that the year our parents died, James arrived in London with nothing? Look at what you’ve both accomplished!”

Ignoring both men’s sighs, she continued, undaunted. “I respect youbothfor your accomplishments. David, you heard what James did at the warehouses after the fire. You said that his valor was one of the reasons you stood up for him against the accusations. I went to the district briefly after the fire; I witnessed for myself the sort of man James is.”

David’s face contorted. “Youwhat?”

“With the LLS, as our resources were desperately needed at the site, and—”

“By God, Clara!” David covered his ears as if he couldn’t stand to hear more.

“I understand the man,” James said without remorse.

She stomped her foot again. “Look at you two! Cut from the same cloth!”

“Cut from the same cloth?” Her brother’s voice dripped with disdain as he looked James up and down. “Have you forgotten your station, Robertson?!”

Clara stepped forward, her eyelids drifting down until her dark, tear-thickened lashes lay against her cheek. The corners of her mouth gently lifted in a hint of a bittersweet smile. “It’s I who forget my station, David. I want to reachbeyondit. I close my eyes and dream.” Her eyes fluttered open again, bright with tears. She spoke quietly, but with the conviction that while her words were heartfelt and true, they could sever her tie to her family forever.

“I imagine myself not as Lady Clara Chadbourne, but the wife of a man in trade. The wife of a Scot.” She looked over to the smallest hydrangea in the dark earth. “And the mother”—she pressed the back of her hand to her mouth—“of his children.”

When she looked back at David, expecting the worst, she was surprised to see the pity that overlaid everything else. The air left David’s body, and his shoulders drooped as he stepped toward her, closing the space between them. He took her hand.

“I can’t take issue with your heart, sister, for I see it is determined. But I appeal to your mind now. Do you remember how he barged into my house, intent on Rosemount? I fear you’ve been taken in by him.”

She shook her head.

He looked at her as if her denial was piteous. “How will you ever know?”

Her teeth ground. “You’re not the only Chadbourne with a shred of sense, Lord Anterleigh! I’ve spent more time in the dirty parts of London than you ever will. And it’s not an enterprise the size of yours, but Violet House requires a modicum of management!”

David opened his mouth.

“I’m not finished yet. I suspected James in the beginning. OfcourseI did. I could cite to you all manner of evidence of his true affection, but I’m not going to. This isn’t a court, and you’re not a judge.”

David raised an eyebrow.

“I’m asking for your trust,” she continued softly. “I know what I see in him; what we’ve found together. And confident of his devotion and motivations, Ishallmarry him. I hope it’s with your blessing.”

“And if Ican’tgive it?” His eyes searched hers.

Clara took his hand, tense as a claw, and smoothed hers over it. “Then I pity you, for you will miss out on a great deal of family that neither of us can afford to lose, David. For I wish to be your devoted sister. James has much honor to offer, whatever his birth. And he and I are going to be a family.”

David pulled his hand from hers, and he steepled his hands together, covering his mouth as he looked deep in thought.

Clara looked with surprise at James, who stepped by her side again.

David looked over with suspicion and annoyance as James spoke.

“If I were you, I’d be thinking of all the ways I could knock the teeth from my head. There I cannot blame you. But know that I’m sincere. I love Clara. I respect her. I’ll care for and provide for her. I’m asking you to put aside the many good and valid reasons you have to deny this request. I ask for your sister’s hand in marriage. For your blessing. Please.”