“I’ll be ready for you in just a sec,” she says to us, refocusing her attention to the light fixture, with a quick glance back to me.
She twists her hair up on top of her head and secures it with a pen. “All right, Paulette and Trina, I want you lying here on the side of the pool, heads toward each other, holding yourselves up. Your arms will cross each other just above your wrists. Enzo, you’re in the pool. I want your face above where their arms cross, like you’re looking through them, and your hands will be folded together. Let’s give it a try.”
I get in the pool and get into the position she described. She looks through her camera lens.
“Roy, can you move that reflector to the left a little for me?”
He moves the reflector while she looks through the lens. “Yes, there. Perfect.”
“Okay, I like this. Ladies, you’re both looking out and away. Enzo, you’re looking straight at me. You’re serious, sophisticated.”
I follow her direction with my expression.
“Yes, there.” She clicks her camera several times then looks at the screen. “Now, I want you both looking down at Enzo. Even lean down a little toward him.”
They move in.
“Oh yes, perfect.” More clicks.
Several more poses in these suits. All of her directives are confident and clear, followed by praise and encouragement. We change into the next set of swimsuits.
“I want the three of you against this beautiful flower wall. I’m going to be on the other side of the pool so we get some water in the shot. Ladies, you’re on either side of Enzo. There’s no competition. You’re happy to share him.”
She approaches me.
“Can you stand with your legs spread a bit? You’re confident, refined, worldly. Your arms by your side. First, I’m going to have you looking directly at me.” The sun turns her eyes to hazelnut as she shifts them back and forth between mine. “Um, and then, I’m going to have you look at Paulette for a few shots, then Trina for a few shots.” She turns her attention to Paulette. “Turn to the side for me? I want your hand on his chest.”
Paulette’s a little awkward and doesn’t position herself the way Candi wants.
“No, not quite. Here, you stand where I am. I’ll show you.” She smiles with an encouraging nod.
She and Paulette switch places. Tucking her body into the side of mine, she places her hand on my pec muscle. Her breasts press against me, all I can think about is our kiss. I push it from my thoughts before I get hard.
“Just like this, okay?” she says, her breath feathering across my skin.
Paulette nods and they switch places again. Candi puts Paulette’s hand on my pec. I clear my throat and Candi looks up at me. For a split second, we’re frozen. She blinks then moves to Trina. “And also to the side with your hand here.” She places Trina’s hand at the top of my abs with a quick glance up to my eyes. “Let me go look through the lens.” She walks quickly to the other side of the pool and clicks away.
She calls out position shifts and we move into place. After she’s satisfied with her shots, we change into different suits. This time she’s on a ladder, shooting down at us in the pool. It’s inspiring watching her create her vision with requests of slight, subtle adjustments to body positioning and facial expressions. For the final swimsuit change, we’re all in the water, including Candi.
She takes off her blue cotton dress, revealing her smokin’ hot body in a tasteful black one-piece. My mind traipses to places it shouldn’t go. Gritting my teeth, I have to focus on not getting hard. She gets into the pool and asks her assistant for her waterproof camera.
“Shawn, when I go under, can you hold me down so I can get the shots?”
“Yeah. Tap me when you want up.”
Explaining her vision and letting us know what she wants from each of us, she sinks down into the water. That’s some dedication.
When she pops up, she goes over to the side of the pool where her computer is. Her assistant knows the drill and flips through the images for her.
She moves through the water back toward us. “I want to try one more thing. Enzo, you stay right where you are. Paulette and Trina, I want you angled out a little and leaning against the side of his body. Give me your top leg resting on the other with your knee bent slightly. Your foot at your ankle. I want to see the sexy curvature of your hips.”
We assume our positions and Candi dunks beneath the water again, snapping away. She rises up once more.
“I think we got it. Let me just look. You guys okay?”
We each give some version of yes.
After looking at the shots on her screen for a few minutes, she raises her hands in the air. “Yes!” she cheers. “And that’s a wrap. You guys were awesome. Thank you so much.”