“He did? Did he like it?”
“Yeah. He said he did anyway.”
“Well, that’s great. Okay, I’ll send a group text.”
“Sounds good. I’m going to go. I need to get some sleep. You know how exhausting these are.”
“Okay. Yup, I have a book to write.”
We hang up and I receive her group text.
Destiny:Who’s in town? Dinner Wednesday night? Meet at Taylor’s Steak house, 7:00?
Me:I’m in.
Enzo:I’m in.
Nicco:See everyone there.
I receive a separate text from Enzo.
Enzo:Can I have you to myself after dinner? I have a surprise for you.
Me:I’d like that. A surprise?
Enzo:Yup. No questions.
A surprise? Hmm.
Enzo picks me up at six fourteen, one minute before he said he’d be here. I smile every time. As soon as we’re in his Jeep, I have to ask.
“Can I have my surprise now?” I’ve been so curious since he texted me.
He chuckles, almost evilly. The sound makes me smile. “Not yet. After dinner.”
“But why can’t I have it now?”
“Because you can’t.”
We’ve both been so busy and our texts have been short. We take the ride to catch up with what we’ve been doing since coming back from Greece. Arriving at the steak house before Destiny and Nicco, we order drinks at the bar. They’re not far behind us. Destiny’s little belly is growing and I’m so excited to be his godmother.
We get seated and place our orders. During dinner Enzo and I share about the Gucci shoot and how beautiful Greece was. We don’t dive into the visit with his mom to keep things a little more lighthearted. Nicco just got back into town after filming a movie and he shows us the gash on his arm from one of the scenes he was in that didn’t quite go right.
“They stitched it pretty well. Said there shouldn’t be a scar, but it looks nasty right now.” He rolls up his sleeve to show us.
“Ew.” Both Destiny and I groan in disgust as the guys chuckle at us.
“Enzo,” he says. “I keep meaning to ask you about the scar above your eyebrow. How’d you get that?”
He touches his eyebrow. “That, yeah. It was July four years ago. There was a huge pileup on PCH.”
Every hair on my body snaps to attention as my skin cools.
“An oil tanker jackknifed spilling oil all over the place. Cars were everywhere, slipping and sliding. We were all out of control.”
My breaths shallow, my ears start ringing, my hands go clammy.
His attention focuses on Nicco. “I couldn’t control my car and hit another car, then went tumbling off the highway. Landed completely upside down. I was so freaked out. I think I was in shock. I was trying to climb out of my car, but I was stuck. Couldn’t get my seatbelt off. Next thing I know, the damn tanker explodes, blowing up the cars around it. I thought I was next. Then this guy comes running over.”